Jaron's Dreams

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November 7, 2008, 6:00 PM

The ghost behind the rocking chair
A few nights ago, I had this dream where I was sitting on the floor in the living room of Rachel's parents' house. I was sitting across from Rachel who had a rocking chair right next to her. Just behind her (and the rocking chair) I spotted a ghost. It looked like the profile of an old elven ghost, as it had long ears and a long nose. He was faded, blue-ish, and facing away from Rachel, looking downwards.

I kept telling Rachel that I was seeing this ghost, and she told me she believed me. She asked me to tell her if I saw it again. We got talking about something else entirely, when all of a sudden I saw him again. It took me a second to realize I saw him, and by the time I realized it, he was gone. I told Rachel the circumstances surrounding this sighting, and she said something like, "Yeah, ghosts tends to show up when you're not thinking about them."

There was more before and after this bit of dream, but this is the only part that stood out enough for me to remember...
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November 7, 2008, 5:50 PM

The pumpkin, the boat, and the Council of Elephant
Actually I had the perfect name for this dream in the dream itself...but ironically I lost it (as well as some details of the dream) when I woke up. Anyways on with the first few "dreams" in a night full of dreams; I'm not certain that it happened in this order but...

I believe it started when Rachel and I were going to go to see Coldrain live in concert at a very packed Mt. Pleasant church (a country church a mile away from where I grew up). We didn't make it in time (or something) and Jesse was wondering where we were.

We were then walking through a town in the daytime, and we somehow got sucked into a big mud fight against our will by a bunch of girls. We didn't want to get too dirty, so we had some form of shield covering us (coats?) during the fight.

In the next part of the dream, we were in a car, and we parked it in what I think was a drive-in theater. We were trying to be discreet, but someone who knew us came up to us and began talking to us. We offered to buy them and everyone in the drive-in some food at a drive-thru, and so we had a long line of cars behind us waiting for us to get them some food.

In a short part of this dream (or set of dreams), I was in what I can only describe as a bathtub (fully clothed, mind you), and I was stretching a blanket over myself (one called Bosb...if you want to know why, ask me about it sometime...). I was telling Holly how Sosg (another blanket) didn't look as good as this blanket, and was some old rag. She told me she didn't want Sosg to be thrown out or treated as a rag all the same.

The dream moved on, and I found myself in a field which was being taken care of by Jeremy Keller (a friend at our church in Oregon, IL). I was near a giant 5' by 5' cloth pumpkin which seemed to be falling apart. It had a cloth set of eyes, nose, and mouth. I plucked out one of its eyes and stuck it in my pocket. Holly, Dad, and I were cleaning up the field for some reason, and Jeremy told me why. He said that he was losing control of the land, because he hadn't taken the best care of it (or so others had thought). He inquired briefly about "the pumpkin," wondering what had become of his teeth. I told him, quite honestly, that I had no idea.

I went to where Holly was (in the shed by our home in Missouri), and she was busily building a boat out of spare parts in the shed. I felt a bit guilty that she was building a boat, while all I was doing was taking apart a pumpkin. We began to spray-paint the boat with red paint, while a set of on-lookers were discussing the boat (I was among them...but wait...wasn't I already the fangly-fish?).

Then suddenly I was at the Mt. Pleasant church again were a Davis reunion was happening. Rachel and I had just had a baby, and I hadn't been picked up yet. An old lady came by and was inquiring about him and then...

I was at a council of elephants. You heard right, a council of elephants...ornately dressed. They were all sitting in a circle in a large room (rather like the senate room in Star Wars Episode 1) looking down upon the "Bath of Ghosts". I think there were fairies coming in and out of this bath.

Then (and from here on out this is a bit hazy, as I'm recalling this a month ahead of when I actually had the dream) I was in a room with Holly and Rachel, and...something creepy was happening. I don't know if it was with them or not; but I feel like I kept thinking I was waking up and telling them of something creepy that I was seeing. And then there was something about a porch full of cats who loved me...

Okay, I think I'll end there!
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