Jaron's Dreams

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September 8, 2010, 11:53 AM

David & Laura's Wedding and the Witch's Head
Wow, folks, here comes a weird one, one that I had on the night of August 30th I think...

I dreamt that David and Laura were about to get married, and a lot the guests, including me, were at the outside ceremony waiting for the wedding to start. Guests were still filing in, even at the last minute. One of them was someone who I thought was John Brittingham. He passed by me and said, "Hello." I responded with "Hi, John," hoping I was right. He responded to the name and started talking to me like he knew me, so I thought at first that I was right. But then I started to get a good look at his face, and I realized that this wasn't a John I knew.

Somewhere in the middle of all that the wedding started. Something caught my attention to this fact and made me turn my head to the middle aisle. David was standing there looking towards the back where Laura was standing (outside the camera of my mind; it's really more of an implied cameo). He gave a quick gasp when he saw her.

There was something I needed across the middle aisle of the wedding on the other side (I was on the right side, facing the front). As I crossed the middle aisle, I got in the way of the bridesmaids. They were dancing their way up the aisle. I pseudo-danced with them to make it look natural as I crossed.

The next thing I remember, Eric Folsom was shouting my name, "Jaron! Candles!" Apparently I was supposed to light some candles for the ceremony. He was kneeling just before the steps that led up to the alter to light one of two candles. I quickly joined him (from the right side again), and had some troubling lighting the candle with my gas lighter.

At the reception Holly informed me that she had a dead witch's severed head that nobody would allow her to bring to the reception. They were superstitiously racist against witches. Holly told me that she kept it in Christy's old room in the closet in a box. The head had been specifically entrusted to her. She then told me the head was still alive, and needed some form of medication to stay alive. I'd been laboring under the impression that it was dead this whole time (you know, because it was severed).
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