Jaron's Dreams

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July 7, 2011, 8:46 AM

Election 2012
I had a dream that Rachel and I were in a room (that looked alot like the living room in a house I used to clean) watching the election of 2012. We were both hoping Barack Obama would win, and we cheered every time a state went "blue." I distinctly remember Obama winning New York, Pennsylvania and Missouri; and the other person; John McCain again for some reason; winning Arkansas and (I think) Massachusetts. Perhaps this is my mind figuratively predicting that Mitt Romney will get the Republican nomination?

And the winner was...

Obama! By quite a landslide.

I think this dream was fueled by my interest in politics and my visit to Boston last weekend.

In any case, it's time for "actual predictions with Jaron Davis" (sorry subconscious). I predict, contrary to my dream, that Michelle Bachmann will win the Republican nomination for 2012. She will then get soundly defeated by Obama due in part by an economic pickup in 2012.

I hope so anyways.

Any other predictions? Thoughts?
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