Jake's Dreams

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June 28, 2010, 1:30 PM

Two houses
So I haven't posted on here in a while and I apologize for that...but luckily, I am in St. Louis away from my dream journal so my dreams need to be addressed and this is the forum to do it.

I had this dream last night that there were two houses. Both houses were owned by the Disney franchise and were next to each other except for one house in the middle that the landlord of both houses lived in. The house on the east that I was in was in Georgia and the house on the west that my little sister was in was in Florida.

I was in the house in Georgia making pumpkin pies. I pulled the third batch of pumpkin pies out of the oven and tasted one and the pumpkins tasted rubbery and hard so I knew I had to let it bake longer.

Then the landlord came over and attacked me, getting me in a headlock and pinning me to the ground so that the only thing I could do was try to push him away, which wasn't very effective.

I stormed out of the house and went to the one in Florida where my little sister was. She said she'd eaten an entire bag of pretzels and for some reason, I thought that was unhealthy.

I went back to make more pumpkin pies. There was a TV show playing like Johnny Carson where the host asked this little boy to fill in the blank of a president. For some reason, I was convinced the president was George Clinton but then the name appeared on the screen and said ______ Wells. So the kid said George and got it right, even though I knew George Wells wasn't a president. But I was happy that in the TV show's mistake, the boy still triumphed.
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