Lisa's Dreams

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February 17, 2010, 1:35 AM

Grampa Rama
The last of a long sequence of mini-dreams is all that I remember in detail, save for a few random flashes of earlier, unrelated scenes that night. The last one I experienced before waking was this:

There was a girl of about 12 or 13, short, with dark, earthy clothes and short hair that was dark brown and thickly curled. She had been picked on by some older teenage boys earlier, and now she was in the empty town square in front of the courthouse (like Greenville, only two or three times as big, and very gloomy looking.) She was trying to figure out why her dad was so anxious about this date that was coming up - something had happened on that day in the past.

So she climbs up the courthouse steps to see the crazy lady who always sat there, playing with chalk and feeding birds. She asked the lady if she knew why February (insert date) was so important, but the lady ran away, screaming. The girl clomped back down the stairs and when she got to the main road, she looked down and saw a chalk drawing of a YouTube video at her feet. It was about 4.5ft x 4.5ft. The title of the video was "Preparing the (something) of West Bridgers." Now, Bridgers was her last name, so she knew that this West Bridgers was her grandfather. She looked around the square and saw that there were large, white chalk outlines of doves all over, on walls and benches and such.

Suddenly, she lifted her arms and black water began to drip from them, slowly. Then, as the camera (which was facing her) panned around to the right, the dripping became more intense, until it looked like her arms were melting, but without losing their form.

Then a figure appeared above the YouTube video. He was silent, and blue-skinned. (I was picturing Rama, I think, the blue Hindu god.) He started walking away from her, and his footprints were red. Red ink? Blood? I don't know. But it had rained recently, so he kept stepping in little puddles here and there to re-wet his feet and make his footprints red again, because after so many steps they started to fade.

The girl followed the figure, realizing that it was her grandfather, and also realizing that he had gone through some kind of hazing on that day so long ago. Apparently her father was afraid the same thing would happen to her.

I woke up after the grandfather and the girl turned a corner.
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