David's Dreams

Dreams and Nightmares Main Page
February, 2010   July, 2011 >

February 9, 2010, 12:16 AM

Snippet of a Dream
I cannot remember the whole dream, but I do remember sitting in a booth at a restaurant (the booth was red) with a table and a booth across from Laura and I. I do not remember who was there meeting us and sitting across from us, but they had sat down and started talking.

Apparently I was very tired in the dream and fell asleep (in the dream), and basically saw black ( as if I blacked out ) and stayed like this for a few minutes before waking up back in the booth.

This was an interesting dream because of the fact that i fell asleep in the dream, but did not dream anything, it was completely black and no sound whatsoever.

This dream happened in 1st person so the darkness / no sound was very odd.
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