Caroline's Dreams

Dreams and Nightmares Main Page
July, 2010   

July 10, 2010, 7:55 AM

Kindergarten Reunion
I was racing through the halls of my "former school" although I did not recognize it at all. It was an elementary school reunion. I had to go to the end of the hall and visit everyone from Kindergarten to 5th grade. Only I couldn't remember my teacher's names. I had to ask everyone what their names were and no one knew. I couldn't remember if I was at the right place. I also had my pea coat on.
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July 9, 2010, 3:27 PM

Trendy Horse Riding Monkeys
Usually all of my dreams start in one place and escalate into the next crazy thing.
I stepped out of my kitchen where I was talking to someone and there was a pen of monkeys outside. Technically they were chimpanzees and they were just all running and swinging around. Some of the monkeys had red cardigans on and some of them had green cardigans on. Then my friend led me to another monkey and it was riding a horse. Monkeys in red and green cardigans riding horses.
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