Lisa's Dreams

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Back To October, 2010

October 7, 2010, 10:15 PM

Fluffy Blue Creature
Just before going to bed, I had been talking with my roommate about how I don't dream as creatively anymore. As a kid, I was always creating new settings, new characters, but nowadays I dream about people and places I already know. Then this dream happened.

There was a man standing on a street corner, a grassy street corner in a suburb with a market or something across the way. He was large, heavy set, but not very tall. He had a long, bushy grey beard and was wearing a flannel shirt. He looked grizzly. Behind him there was a tree stump with the center cut out - you could climb down inside it if you wanted. It was raised up a bit on the grassy hill - the whole corner of that street was grassy and rose up a bit from ground level, and I was standing on the street looking up at him.

He was just standing there, and I wasn't completely sure what his purpose was.

Then a big, fuzzy, steel blue creature appeared. He was very tall, very round, and had long blue fur that was insanely soft. Like a chow puppy, only blue and longer. He almost looked like a giant stuffed animal, with a head shaped like an upside-down brontosaurus' head.

He wasn't happy. He picked me up and held me close, and began berating the old man for not doing his job. For not teaching me what I was supposed to be taught, or showing me what I was to be shown, or helping me, or watching out for me, or taking care of me.

I was seeing all this from first person (I rarely dream in first person), and I was holding on to the fluffy blue man tightly, because he was SO comfy. I felt like I was 5 years old again, being protectively held by someone way bigger than me, and it was really, really nice. I was still myself, still the same size and age (though I had my long hair again), so this fluffy blue man had to have been very big. And he was SO SOFT.

Then, after getting after the old man (who didn't say a word or move at all), the fluffy blue creature held me tighter and took me down the tree stump.

Interpretation/Comment by Jaron Davis on October 11, 2010, 11:56 AM

Cool Setting

Lisa, I always love the cool settings and strange characters in your dreams! If only I could dream in such vivid textures.

What do you think this dream was about? Or was it just another random creation of the brain?

Interpretation/Comment by Lisa Gines on October 11, 2010, 11:16 PM

I think it's safe to assume that this dream stemmed from the attitude I'd had all that day. I'd felt snubbed by a couple friends and had felt a little inadequate in a few other situations, and was a little lonely when I went to bed : I don't usually feel that way, or dwell on it when I do, but I'm pretty sure this was my subconscious' way of comforting me a little. Which, in hindsight, I think is adorable and a little funny :)

Another theory, though, is one that my roommate offered (she's a psychology major). She suggested that the old man is my image of God, how I view him and his personality and how I interact with him. And that the fuzzy blue creature is how God -really- is, and how he really acts and feels about me. How he -wants- me to see him.

Interpretation/Comment by Jaron Davis on October 13, 2010, 7:36 AM

Interesting Dichotomy

I agree with the first theory :)

But I do like how the second theory seems to fit very well. One perception of God is seen as distant, while the other is close and is seen attacking the distant notion of God.

Theism is getting after Deism...I like it :)

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