Lisa's Dreams

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Back To October, 2010

October 11, 2010, 11:22 PM

August 21, 2010 - Russian Snipers and the Kid Crystal
(I found this in the dream archives on my laptop. It's from August 21. I initially wrote it without intending to let others read it, so there are some references to buildings that no one else will understand :P And a few friends from church.)

Danielle (my younger sister) and I were in a basement, not unlike the one we had in St. Louis, but it was bigger, empty, dusty, dirty, and there were wide windows halfway up the walls on the far side that looked out into the yard where we could see snipers laying along the ground and looking away from us. I scooted all along the dirty floor, to the far wall, so I could try and get a better look, but then I turned around and a light had come on on the opposite end, the end I'd come from, where the stairs descended to, and I could see two Russian snipers holding Danielle. Then two more stood and grabbed her legs and they started to take her away. Then I could see that there were rows and rows of Russian snipers facing American snipers and they were all on their stomachs, facing each other down.

I was suddenly on the steps, looking over the railing at all of them, and my eyes focused on nothing in particular and my chin was set really tight, because I was upset that Danielle had been taken by the enemy. It seemed like the American snipers in front of me were looking at me with sympathy or something similar. The Russians started talking, started standing, and I slowly began making my way up the steps, walking sideways. The Russians began leaving somehow, for some reason, I got up into the rest of the house, which was a ginormous mansion. Lots of rooms, clean carpets, sunlight streaming through a billion windows in all the wide hallways.

After exploring a bit and trying to be sneaky about it so I could avoid soldiers, I came to a room on the second floor that was on the left side of the building, about two thirds of the way in to the building, and at the end of a hallway that had a balcony overlooking the last third of the house. I'm reminded of Andrea McPherson's awesome Maryland home. The door itself to this room was behind me, so I turned to face the front 2/3rds of the house. There was a man sitting outside the door, just to the left of it, and there was a window in the wall on the right, the wall of the house itself, since it was the end of this balcony/hallway, and sunlight was coming through, but I didn't go to see what was outside.

I looked at the man and he seemed to be in his mid-twenties (or possibly early 50s), with droopy eyes and dark hair and an overall ragged appearance. He was slumped in his seat and didn't seem to be completely there, mentally. And I think he was wearing a dark, grey-ish, faded shade of blue, possibly a worn T-shirt, but I can't recall. And he may or may not have had a beard. I think he did. His face seemed dark, even though his skin was light. He was sort of a guard for this door, and was keeper of the crystals, which didn't come in to play right away. I looked into the room and along the left wall was a deep coat rack with numerous garment bags and coats hanging from it. Sarah Gooding (or Lauren Jackson, I can't remember which) was there and got all excited when she saw me. I asked her where the other kids were, and she said they were all here, gesturing with her arms toward the garment bags. I asked about my sister, and she said she was there too! Danielle then unzipped herself out of a garment back and stepped out, smiling and glad to see me. I was ecstatic that they were all in the same place and looked at the man beside the door.

I managed to get him to put all of the kids into a crystal for me. The crystal was long and tall and blue and shiny and multi-faceted, sort of like the ship crystals on Stargate, and I could see all of the kids inside, looking up at me. Then I started walking around the house again, aiming the main face of the crystal at different items so that the kids could watch where I was going. At one point I came to a hallway where Jenny Eyers was dancing with some other young adult church members that I feel equally awkward around, and I made sure the kids could see them while I walked past. Then I asked where dad was, and they all said ?He's in here!? and I looked in the crystal and sure enough, there was dad, standing in the back behind everyone. He was just kinda staring at me; he didn't look angry or expectant. He was just... standing there. Looking at me. So I had to figure out how to get them all out of the crystal again because I needed to talk to dad.

I'm pretty sure I figured it out, but I don't remember how I did it.

Interpretation/Comment by Jaron Davis on October 31, 2010, 10:50 AM

The crystal kids

I like the images of the kids in the crystals. Were the crystals huge, so as to encase an entire person, or did said person have to shrink down to get in them? I for one wouldn't want to lug around crystals containing full, heavy humans :)

Interpretation/Comment by Lisa Gines on October 25, 2012, 10:22 AM

People had to shrink down. They were tiny! The crystal was a size that would fit on a large necklace. About four inches long maybe?

Interpretation/Comment by Jaron Davis on October 25, 2012, 9:18 PM

Mary Poppins

What is his secret? He must be a cousing to Mary Poppins :) (Or Merlin)

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