Lisa's Dreams

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Back To October, 2010

October 29, 2010, 11:19 AM

Ukranian Turks
I just took a mid-morning nap, and dreamed a few little sequences, including picking my roommate up and throwing her on her bed, and being spun around on top of a guy's shoulder like a ballerina myself. I remember being frustrated that I couldn't get the poses right.

Anyway, it ended with me in my room, walking to the window. If you've been in my room, though, it's not that layout. It was like an old European inn with a small, darkly colored room with bright light coming in through shades in the window, which was to the left of a fireplace and a big dresser.

A guy that I know was in that room trying to pack, and as I walked to the window to look outside, he pardoned himself and tried to get at something in a chest in front of me, beneath the window.

Outside there was a wide, brown cobble street that sloped from the right down to the left and out of side, with lots of old buildings around. There were two skinny, firm looking men with broad shoulders and small statures who were unloading a trailer on the other side of the road and bringing things up to pile them in front of my building, next to a European scooter.

One was wearing a tan, light light brown sweatshirt and had a boxy looking black hat on his head. He was dark skinned and had a big black moustache. The other man was slightly shorter and was wearing a light maroony/dark dark pink sweatshirt, and had a darkly colored scarf around his head. I can't remember if he had a moustache too or not.

They were both in front of the building when a priest and a translator came down from the right and started telling them they couldn't move in. I remember distinctly being able to understand the priest, despite the fact that he as speaking in a monotone sort of voice that I only ever associate with Latin readings, and I was surprised it was English. He was also blond. I don't quite remember what the translator looked like.

After seeing this, I pulled out my phone and tried to tweet something along the lines of: "There are two Ukranian Turks outside trying to move in. It's not going well. The priest won't have it."

I think I'm bothered by the fact that I was trying to tweet in my dream. I've never been on Facebook in a dream. Twitter has rewired the way I observe my life.

Interpretation/Comment by Jaron Davis on October 31, 2010, 10:43 AM

Spinning like a ballerina?

Were you tiny as the ballerina? For some reason I imagine you as being very small. And were you looking at it from your point of view, or from third person? Anyways that's ridiculous :)

And I must say, I've never used Twitter or Facebook in my dreams (yet).

Interpretation/Comment by Lisa Gines on August 22, 2011, 5:14 PM

RE: Spinning like a ballerina?

I was very normal-sized, if I recall. He was just holding me up on his shoulder and I was trying to pose without much success. So I think it was first person. And extremely ridiculous, regardless ^^

Interpretation/Comment by Jaron Davis on August 29, 2011, 7:47 AM

RE: Spinning like a ballerina?

Indeed :)

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