Jaron's Dreams

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Back To October, 2010

October 31, 2010, 11:14 AM

The Unfinished, Finished House in the Woods and the Laundray Nazis
Alright, everyone. I had this dream on the night of Thursday, October 28th. And I've already incorporated in my novel (which I just finished last night!) But now I need to share it with the world, because of the awesomeness/insanity of it.

I had a dream where there was a group of us walking around Chicago. I feel like it was all of my college friends (David, Laura, Eric, Becky, Chad, Fishy, and of course, Rachel). We needed to do our laundry, so we ended up taking it inside of a large square building and giving it to the people working there. Laundry was their specialty. Laundry was the reason that they ran their business. And they did it well.

Have you ever seen the soup Nazi episode of Seinfeld? Well these were the laundry Nazi's. They were incredibly sensitive about the work they provided. They acted like you had to abide by their rules in regards to the laundry. After we had handed the clothes over, Laura said, "Hey, everyone, you should be very careful not to insult these guys. I inadvertently did so last time, and they still haven't given me back my clothes. And whatever you do, don't point out the blue glue to their skin."

But irritatingly, the laundry Nazi's seemed like they almost wanted you to insult them. They took their time with the clothes, and made you stay around the building to wait for them. Then they acted like they couldn't understand why you were hanging around. And they all did have a bluish glow about their skin. I was worried we were going to upset them sooner or later, and I was wondering when they were ever going to submit our clothes back to us.

In the next part of the dream, Rachel and I were taking a walk in the woods, when we suddenly came across shack that was built into the ground. It looked dirty, dusty and unused. I climbed a ladder down into it, to explore it for fun. I found an old, small Aladdin genie lamp on the ground, one that I'd gotten out of a cereal box in real life that changed color when heat was applied. It changed color in my hands, and some other object I held did so as well.

I was about to climb out, when I noticed what looked like a door on the side that led out to a porch. I walked over to check it out, and Rachel came down with me. We noticed another door, that looked like it led somewhere. Ironically it looked finished in this part of the shack, and I commented on this to Rachel, "Wow, this part looks finished."

"I know, that's so weird," she returned.

We walked through the door, and found ourselves in a huge house. One that looked like it had seen recent use. But we were still assuming that it had been abandoned at this point. It was a bit messy, but it was very modern looking. I walked over to a counter on the edge of the kitchen, and Rachel went towards a bedroom, saying that she needed to use the restroom. I had my back turned to the bedroom. I looked through some mail on the counter, and saw that some of it was dated up to 2009. Assuming that it was 2009 in the dream, I became worried that someone was still living here. They could be home any minute.

I ran towards the bedroom and saw a sleeping figure in a bed. Just across the way, I saw the bathroom with the door shut. "Rachel, we need to get out of here now!" I shouted to her. I didn't think the stranger would like us snooping around in their house.

Rachel came running out, and the figure started to stir. We scrambled out of the house, up the ladder, and back into the woods. We started to run away, but then a group of people nearby started to chase us down. They were laughing, and we assumed that they were having some kind of party. We stopped and one of them came up to us. She told us not to worry about the man in the house we had just come out of. He didn't mind that we were in there. He's used to people being in and out of there all the time.

That's it folks! Thoughts?

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