Jaron's Dreams

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Back To August, 2008

August 27, 2008, 3:35 PM

A bad game of speed
I had a dream last night wherein Rachel (or David?) and I were playing a game of speed up on the 3rd deck of our unfinished house, but we were playing it all wrong, and I began noticing each wrong thing in a progression. We didn't have the right piles. The piles we did have didn't have enough in them. Some cards were missing. The cards in the deck that were there didn't match. Then the cards weren't even the same shape! All this time we were trying to arrange our piles, find the cards, look for cards, match cards, etc. Oh, and also we ended up trying to arrange them at Rachel's parents house in the hallway outside of Rachel's room, and finally we ended up trying to arrange them in Rachel's old room. We never could get a solid game going. What does it all mean?

Interpretation/Comment by Jaron Davis on August 27, 2008, 3:42 PM

Personal interpretation

Well, I'll tell you what I think it means right off the bat. Notice how I start playing in an "unfinished" setting. And then notice that as I keep trying to play what should be a simple game (on the outset), it turns out that there are a million things that go wrong with it before we can even get started, making it an "unfinished" game.

I believe this is a dream about this website (specifically) and about my tendency to leave some things unfinished for a long time (generally) due to my somewhat perfectionist nature. It's been seeming like the more I work on this site, the more things I uncover to work on (more than I initially thought I was going to), and I can't quite get happy enough with it to "get it started".

So, what's the lesson here? I'm not certain, but I suppose I should just gather my cards and play the game of speed already!

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