Lisa's Dreams

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Back To August, 2011

August 22, 2011, 5:11 PM

I know the word is overused in pop culture today, but last night's dream was quite epic, in a very literal sense.

I usually like to spend time describing everything in as much detail as possible, but I just won't have enough patience for that today. I'm just going to bullet-point everything, because even with bullet-points, there's a lot to cover.

Firstly, the world ended.

Well, no, that was later.

Firstly, I was at my house and came upstairs to the china cabinet where Danielle and I had moved all of our traveling trinkets and collectibles and figurines, etc. But the cabinet was empty. Danielle said someone had stolen them all. Left the TV and computers and what not, but stole my trinkets. I was inexplicably sad.

Secondly, the world ended.

I was in a hotel room in Italy at this point. Mount Vesuvius was erupting. There were sheets of lava and smoke and then an entire waterfall of lighting coming out of the top of the volcano and striking all down one side.

I was momentarily viewing the volcano from a circling aerial view, like I was a camera in a helicopter. But then I was quickly back in the hotel room.

I was just kinda hanging out though like it was no big deal. But then I saw through the window that the moon had turned red. Then it was normal. Then it was red. Like something that was causing the red color would sweep over it and then back again. But eventually it stayed red. Red and huge and full and right next to the horizon. Did I mention it was huge?

The sun was also out at some point, but I think the moon just got so bright that everything looked like day time.

I couldn't get out because my van (In my subconscious I'll always drive my van, despite it getting wrecked three years ago) was just too big to make it to the ferries fast enough. But I was trying. And spinning through a parking garage and avoiding other drivers. Like a car chase where no one was chasing me.

I ended up on a ferry in front of Kristi Moody and everyone was sitting on top of their cars like we were on saddles. Then I was told to hold my breath, because the ferry had to travel underwater to move into place so it could come up and take us through the water to the proper docking thing. I had to hold my phone, my mp3 player and my book on top of my head to keep them from getting wet, but they got immersed anyway. The water was surprisingly light and it just felt like super cool air or something.

Then we stopped underwater and I couldn't hold my breath long enough, so I took a quick breath of water. (For some reason I can always breath underwater in my dreams.)

Then I woke up and realized I was holding my breath.

Then I went back to sleep.

Then me, Holly, and my high school friend Katie were at a bus stop in London and we ran into David Tennant, who agreed to give us a tour of the Doctor Who sets and stuff because he was going for a visit himself. But I ended up witnessing to him about my faith instead.

Interpretation/Comment by Jaron Davis on August 29, 2011, 7:54 AM

The World's End

Goodness I haven't had a good ol' world ending dream in a long time; I used to have them often when I was 12/13. I miss those :)

Anyways, the world never did get to the end in your dream...but that was some pretty cool imagery nonetheless. Something about a planets/stars/moons being bigger than they are really freaks me out, and the lava scene was played out spectacularly in my head.

Oh, and I think I've had two or three under water dreams in my life time, and every single time I always have to eventually breathe, and I go "Oh, I guess I can breathe underwater." :)

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