Eric's Dreams

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Back To September, 2011

September 16, 2011, 8:13 PM

Michael, Frostbite, Dogs, and Paint
I had a crazy dream about Michael Vaughn and me walking outside talking about something important while it was snowing (and we were wearing shorts and short sleeves). We drove a 2-person 4X4 and avoided hitting dogs that were all over the place. He told me that he used to hurt dogs for the pleasure of it, but had stopped doing it years ago. When we got back to the house, we both had frostbite and I went into the house to get some hot water.

Aparantly to get rid of frostbite, you get warm water and these weird flimsy knives. You put the knife in the heated water, then run the knife over you (like spreading butter, not cutting outselves). While the water was heating, I gave the knives to Michael (who was still outside, with frostbite, still snowing). I went back in to get the water and saw Michael from the window playing around with the knives like he was martial artist. I didn't want to interupt him doing that, so I went back in the kitchen.

The next thing I remember, Michael was inside the living room and had stencils in his hand made for painting (the stincils were each a foot long/wide). Btw, our arms and legs were still very cold from frostbite which we haven't fixed yet. I left for the kitchen, came back, and found paintings all over the walls, ceiling, tables, and cabnets. The paintings were of the stincil artwork (lots of cute panda bears, stars, and clouds), each were different colors (some the panda had purple and pink, some it was blue and red). There was also a huge dog in the living room (all brown, a bit bigger than a St. Benard).

I was very angry and yelled at Michael asking him why he did this. You said you wanted to become friends with dogs again, so you brought in one you found outside. I put the dog back outside. Then I yelled at him saying I didn't want him to paint all over the place. Then I woke up (my arms were pretty cold because the blanket was too low and I didn't have a shirt on).

Interpretation/Comment by Jaron Davis on October 15, 2012, 8:55 AM


Stumbled across this and read it (I'm not sure how I missed it). This was a weird one! I love it how dreams are trying to tell you something you need by wildly exaggerating it with imagery. This is a classic example of that :)

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