Lisa's Dreams

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Back To October, 2011

October 27, 2011, 12:12 AM

I don't remember much from last night's dream, but I do remember that I got the chance to visit my mom. She was staying in a care center in a building that sits where the Tower Apartments are on Greenville College campus. I was so excited to get to see her that I ran all the way there from the music center. We talked about the baseball game and I found out she was rooting for the Rangers, which I'll admit made me a little sad (xD) but I said something along the lines of "Oh. Well that makes sense, I suppose," and I was looking down messing with something while I said it. So our interactions were a little awkward and forced, like we were strangers who didn't know how to talk to each other.

I also had a baby. I was talking to mom and then got super super excited and suddenly pulled out these two abnormally large remote controls and was pulling the backs off of them (like where the batteries would go) and was dismayed when I couldn't find my baby to show her. (There's no way these remotes were big enough to fit a baby anyway, idk what my subconscious was doing.) I so, so wanted my mom to see my baby, so I tried to think of where I left it and finally decided it must be back at the music center. I remember having it earlier in the dream but I don't remember what happened around it - I only remember the part where I was with my mom and couldn't find it all of the sudden.

So basically I woke up feeling like I had just spent time with mom and was terrifyingly excited to show her my baby - I really, really needed her to see this kid, think it was adorable, and then congratulate me and give me a hug or something. Our whole exchange was a lot more distant than I would have liked.

We never acted like that around each other in real life. There are a lot of things we never talked about that we needed to, but I'm sure we would have gotten to when I was older. Just never got the chance. And now I feel like I'm just so much different a person than she would have expected me to be. A different person than I would have turned into if she had still been around to influence me, maybe. Idk.

I've only had one other dream in my life that I can remember where I had a baby. I don't dream about them often, and I was so surprised and nervous about suddenly having one in last night's dream. But I was excited, too. Like I'd unlocked an achievement or something.

Interpretation/Comment by Jaron Davis on November 1, 2011, 10:26 AM

Baby Unlocked :)

That's an interesting dream; I like the giant remotes. You have some pretty strange fun-house-y dreams sometimes :)

I'm certain your Mom would've been quite proud of the way you turned out these-a-days; I can't imagine any differently.

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