Jaron's Dreams

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Back To May, 2012

May 14, 2012, 8:11 AM

The Fiery Haunting
Alright folks, it's been a while, but I've finally had a creepy dream worthy of me. It got weeeeeeird and made me feel decidedly unsettled when I woke from it. Here goes:

I was visiting my Grandma in her apartment. Yet this was no ordinary apartment. It was one of many apartments that were built in concentric circles around each other, with each apartment getting thinner so that the amount of square feet would be the same. This particular apartment was one of the ones near the edge, so it was quite thin. Walking through it was like walking through a long, continuous curvy hallway with the occasional room that branched off to the side. And there were large wall sized windows that allowed you to gaze into small gardens and see other parts of the building across open spaces. And a certain part connected (no walls or anything) to a great open area with a staircase in the far corner that led up to a mall with people toing and froing, making the place feel less private than it otherwise would feel.

After walking around for a while, I found myself in a room with my Dad and two sisters. This parts a bit fuzzy, but as we were talking we began getting some haunting experiences, like hearing voices, feeling a presence, or seeing small movements. We assumed that some guy was haunting the apartment and he wasn't keen on us being there. We all felt this, and it was so unsettling that I thought in my head that it would be best to just go away and visit at another time.

Instead, Dad sent the girls into the next room, so that he and I could face off with the ghost in this room and draw him away from the girls. We started hearing voices that sounded far away, as if they were in the next room, but when we walked into the next room, the voices would sound further away, and when we'd step back into our room, they'd sound a little louder. So we knew the sound was originating from our room.

After a while, the ghost took to flinging doors open and slamming them shut throughout the apartment. Dad and I went to investigate. We headed towards a door that led outside. Dad walked through and the door slammed behind him, leaving me on the other side. I pulled and pulled on the door, and it opened after much effort. Dad came through and the door and it slammed shut behind him. At this point, I started to wonder if things would spiral out of control and if the ghost would best us.

Then suddenly the house was on fire. But nothing was burning. Dad and I ran to the girl's room and opened the door. There beds and bodies were issuing tongues of fire, but they were sound asleep. At this point we knew we needed to escape. We woke them up and together we ran into the "haunted" room. At this point all of reality began bending and flickering around us, and I distinctly remember seeing "waves" in the walls and in a computer screen that made everything bend and distort like some weird PhotoShop image. Dad stopped and gaped up at the ceiling, clearly in awe of the visuals. I looked up and saw that the ceiling was rippling like a disturbed pool. As the entire room was on fire, I grabbed Dad's arm and told him that we needed to get out of here. Then I heard a voice that said something like, "Let me tell you what I want" or "Let me tell you a secret."

At that point a woke up. I could have went back to sleep and probably learned that secret, but mind you, I didn't want to go back there :P So I stayed up until the negativity faded and went back to sleep...

And dreamed of tornadoes...

I'll get to this part later; thoughts on this first dream?

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