Jaron's Dreams

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Back To September, 2008

September 16, 2008, 8:37 AM

A crazy clown and a milk-air balloon
Alright, I'll write what I can remember of this crazy dream. I woke up after I had it and tried to memorize it by saying "clown, demon, and milk" before I went back to sleep. So that should tell you a little bit about the weirdness to come...

I think the clown came first; and for those of you who've read It, you can tell that this part seems quite heavily influenced by it. In my dream there was a murderous clown in the basement (the basement to my Grandpa's old house in Indiana) with me and a couple of kids I was looking after, and we were frightened of what he could do to us. The parents upstairs were going to come down and deal with him, but he was the least of their problems right now. They had "bigger" problems to deal with upstairs. I was wondering in the dream, "What could be more important than dealing with a murderous clown in a basement?" Anyways, I was sitting on a chair opposite the two kids who were sitting on a large couch. The tall and lanky clown came up and proceeded to sit by the youngest one. He was whispering in his ear all of the things he could do for him if he'd only become his friend. For some reason we were safe from the clown if there were enough of us together, and I was encouraging the kids not to listen to him. I suppose, in the dream, the clown couldn't harm you unless you started believing his lies and becoming his friend.

The "demon" came second, I think. I was walking around my parent's house and yard, and I kept getting haunted by some evil presence. He'd suddenly show himself in a flash of bright light or make a loud noise, and then he'd disappear. I kept getting the feeling that I'd dealt with him before, and he'd went away; but now he was back again, haunting you in the same spots. I wanted to get away from him, so I asked David, (my brother), who was leaving for somewhere, if he could take me with him. We started driving up the gravel road, and he asked me what the problem was. I don't remember if I answered or not...

And in the final part of my dream, I was in a gym, and there was what looked like a gigantic hot-air balloon that was filled with milk. It was a milk balloon. Apparently, in my dream, if you fill a large balloon with milk, you could make it fly. This one wasn't fully inflated, so either it was being filled up or it was deflating (I think it was deflating). I got the feeling that this balloon belonged to me. I was told that milk could last for 1000 days in this balloon before it needed to be re-filled. I began to think, "Wouldn't it start smelling long before that? I wonder if the balloon keeps the smell in?" Then I woke up.

Weird, weird, weird...

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