Jaron's Dreams

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Back To September, 2008

September 19, 2008, 9:16 AM

The foam-mud beach
The title above seemed to be the only one that fit. This was a very unusual dream (which of mine aren't?) that I had just before waking up this morning.

I was in the car with fellow co-worker Steve Force, and he was driving us somewhere. I had to read the Bible, so I told him I was going to read it out loud. I did, but it sounded really obnoxious for some reason. Just as I was getting to a funny part with Adam, (where Adam says, "Hey, God, I've lived this long (800-some years), I'm going to live a whole lot longer aren't I?" and God says, "You wanna bet?") I was interrupted by a phone call from Holly Davis. She told me she was going to watch something with our family tonight while I was hanging out with Rachel, and that she'd be over later that night like we'd planned. I said, "Ok," and that was that. I then asked Steve if my reading was obnoxious. He told me it was a little, and I picked back up where I left off on that humorous "Adam" story. I tried to explain to Steve how people way back in the day had long, long lifespans, but I got interrupted again...

We kept driving, and I was staring out into the ocean. The dream suddenly became a Stargate Atlantis preview where it was just a single shot of the ocean from one of those cameras resting in the waves that gets repeatedly submersed from time to time. Someone was narrating over this peaceful image what the new, exciting "Stargate Atlantis" movies were going to be about, and he'd use words like "submersed" and "inundated with trouble" whenever the camera would go under water. As I was watching I would try to hold my breath each time the camera went under water, but the last wave was just too long!

I arrived at some sort of beach with what looked like foam all around (as well as water). When I stepped into the foam my foot would sink into it like mud and then stop. Where my foot would stop the foam felt soft, rubbery, and pliable; like mud you'd find underneath creek water. But it was softer and squishier at the top. In my dream I called it "hardened foam" and I felt like I was getting it between my toes. I stepped around in this for a while, until I was finished.

I came back to a place in the city where Rachel was performing a dance for a bunch of people (in our house in Missouri?), and we were all commenting on her performance. Holly called again and told me that she wouldn't be able to make it tonight, because the show she was watching with our family was a 3-parter Atlantis episode, and they were too wrapped up in it to quit watching it. Since I was looking forward to hanging it, it was quite disappointing news for me.

I had to leave again for some reason, so I headed out in the car on what looked like Harris street in Greenville, IL (which in real life, would have taken me to McDonald's in the direction I was headed). A few blocks down this road I made it back to the foam-mud beach where I proceeded to walk in the foam again. I picked a direction towards these sandy patches of land (between the foam) and headed there. It was quite peaceful and relaxing. I somehow ended up in a cave where the foam was getting up to my knees, and then...the alarm woke my up to go to work.

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