Jaron's Dreams

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Back To September, 2008

September 25, 2008, 9:15 AM

Jeremiah, Jason, awards, and two bears
Alright, here comes another dream.

The first part is kind of fuzzy, but I think Rachel and I were walking up a sidewalk (headed North) and we were really far away from home. We were trying to get somewhere, and we kept stopping at places along the way. There was also something we left behind for some reason. We eventually came to an empty house, and Jason Carr was there. He was telling me that there was something he wanted to be (a policeman or something), so that he could police this other guy that was causing trouble (I think).

The next part I remember is that Rachel and I were in a big field with lots of people there, and awards were being handed out. For being the most helpful (on a plane?), I somehow received both first and third place, which I was excited about. Heath Ledger posthumously received second place, and we all paused respectfully.

Then we were in a hotel room with lots of people hanging out. Jeremiah was there, and he was somehow being dramatic about missing friends and wanting to hang out with people. We didn't give it much thought.

Then I was alone, and the hotel room was attacked by two bears. I stabbed one with a knife in the forehead, and the other one began to talk. He said, "What was that about, are you about to knife me too because I'm attacking you? I don't want to die, give me that knife!" He started grabbing for the knife, and I kept trying to stab him in the forehead. I finally managed to do so, and he said, "I knew that was going to happen," before he fell down.

Then later on in the dream, I saw Jason again, and he ended up getting what he wanted (to be a policeman?), but the person he wanted to police (or take care of) was still giving him trouble. Finally the dream ended with Jeremiah and I in the hotel room. He said that though he was being dramatic, he had meant everything he said; and all he really wanted was to hang out with me personally. It was a big realization for me, and the dream ended with us hanging out and watching TV.

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