Rachel's Dreams

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Back To October, 2008

October 3, 2008, 10:56 AM

Beautiful House
I have my own interpretation for this one, but I'd like to see what others think before I give it. Ahem.

In the dream, Rich and Carol Young (Julie-Rose's dad and stepmom) owned this really beautiful, REALLY big house, and they had asked me and Jaron to house-sit for them over the weekend. The dream started with Jaron and I watching TV in a large bedroom with many doorways. We were snuggled in bed, it was late, and we were so warm and comfortable and happy and sleepy under the blankets. Suddenly it switched to three hours later, and we were just waking up when it was getting light outside. We lay in bed, admiring the big room with its pretty rug and the large windows, and then decided to get up and visit the bathroom before we went back to sleep for the rest of the morning.

I guess we hadn't explored the house yet, because we were examining every room as we went towards the bathroom. All of the rooms were connected by many doorways, sort of how Fishy's mom's living room, dining room and bedroom are all inter-connected with more than one door. Only imagine, like, three doorways in every room. And the rooms were beautiful in a really earthy, simple way...they had pretty stone floors with fuzzy rugs on them, and that along with the high ceilings and huge windows and open space made it the perfect Rachel house.

We noticed a lot of rooms in the house. There were tons and tons, and we were on the second story, so we knew there were tons and tons more below us. The rooms all had really high ceilings, almost two stories high, so the whole two-story house would have been about four stories. In the bedrooms, the beds were lofted up really high so that the entire floor space of the rooms could be used for dressers and couches and other "daytime" furniture.

One of the bedrooms we walked into had had college students from GC staying in it over the years, and they had left a bunch of old GC shirts. I got really excited, and started looking for a canoe trip shirt from 2002, my freshman year trip which I "missed" (read: "skipped"). But I couldn't find one, and was disappointed.

The dream ended with me finding the bathroom, and it too was beautiful with a stone floor and fuzzy rugs, three doorways and big windows. I was admiring the beauty of the house when I woke up.

Interpretation/Comment by Lisa Gines on July 8, 2009, 3:04 AM

Lovely House

Oooh. The house sounds lovely! Obviously you dreamt about your ideal home, though maybe a bit smaller for practicality's sake.

Gonna go out on a limb...

Maybe the different rooms represent different aspects of your life, all interconnected and open...

Or it could just be a map of your brain. Women have brains like spaghetti, so I've heard, and we connect everyone and everything in one way or another. Men have brains like waffles, with a compartment for each and every thing in their life. So Jaron's rooms wouldn't have as many doors or windows, and they'd probably all be closed.


It's not very insightful, is it? What were your thoughts?

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