Jaron's Dreams

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Back To April, 2009

April 6, 2009, 11:24 AM

The bad house, the house with legs, and the baby basket.
Alright I've had a million dreams I've wanted to write down recently, but when it comes to it, I can't seem to remember a single one of them! So here follows pieces of 3 dreams I've had. One was a few months ago, one was from last night, and the other was from the night before last.

I had this dream a few months back that Rachel and I were buying a house (big surprise there). It was in a small city (or patch or houses really) where the houses were really close together. We were in the basement of the house, and the sellers were showing us the place and carting out old appliances/furniture. For instance, I saw them wheeling out an old TV on a rack. They wanted quite a bit for the house, and we were planning on buying it. However, I was getting the feeling that the sellers weren't being honest. I began noticing rips in the carpet and other run-down aspects of the house. Rachel was blindly overlooking it and falling; hook, line, and sinker; for all of the good things the seller was saying about the house. This dream was odd in that it would probably be the other way around in real life.

The night before last I had a dream that I and a few other people were in a 3 or 4 story building in Greenville. The building was odd in that it had 10 to 20 pairs of legs and arms sticking out of a few sides of a collapsed floor in the center of the building. I asked about theses appendages, and someone told me that there were people working on that floor over the summer. One tragic day the floor collapsed on them and killed them all, and because it was so hard to get the bodies out, nobody had done so yet. The rest of the dream has been lost into obscurity, but I think I had those appendages on my mind as I explored the building further...

And finally last night I was having a relatively calm and peaceful dream, which I cannot remember for the life of me. Suddenly it turned nightmarish, and that I can remember plainly. I was in a two story building in Fayette, MO (a house we used to clean for with a family who had twin boys). I walked towards a table in the dining room to look through a microscope so that I could look for three signs for a certain person. The three signs meant something to them. I only saw one of them--a baby. I can't remember what the other ones were.

Anyways I looked in the microscope, and saw an overhead close-up view of a peaceful stream with an open basket in it (like the basket Moses is usually pictured in). A snake was lying in the basket. I looked away and looked in again. This time a baby was floating face up beside and attached to the basket. It's eyes were open. Again I looked away and back again. This time I saw the snake tail attached to the outside of the basket where the baby had just been attached. It rattled. I looked away one last time and looked back. This time I saw the baby's head jammed into one corner of the basket. It's eyes were open and looking straight at me. Evil music had been playing and building this whole time. This was followed by Rachel waking me up (in reality). She told me I'd been making terrified noises, so she'd decided I should be awake. I promptly thanked her and had a glass of water. When I went back to bed, that evil, worried theme was still playing in my head, as well as the images of the dream. It took me a while to get back to sleep...

So there you have it. Jaron Davis has weird, weird, weird, twisted dreams.

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