Jaron's Dreams

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Back To April, 2009

April 11, 2009, 4:04 PM

A quick beer and a sad blonde boy
Last night I had a dream that I was in a two story place where people were drinking and having a party upstairs. I went up the narrow wooden staircase to join them (it was almost like a treehouse, and it seemed to be where Aunt Phyllis's trailer is now). There I found Rachel, Holly, and Jendy having a beer. I joined them and had one myself. It was very delicious, much better than my previous experience.

Later in the dream, I was in a cave with Rachel. We walked passed a long-haired blonde kid who was stairing into a small pool or puddle. He kept saying "Boy-eee" at his own reflection, getting more serious each time. At some point, I began saying, "Okay, cut, cut, CUT!" like I was watching a movie. I thought it had gotten too silly, and had stretched on for too long. I realized how serious this was when the boy kept saying it and began crying.

There was more between this and following this, but I can't remember it. I lost it shortly after this morning ended!

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