Jaron's Dreams

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Back To June, 2009

June 22, 2009, 11:49 AM

The Twisted Reflection
I had a freaky dream two nights ago, and I thought I better post it. And actually this is the only part I remember.

I had a dream that I was staring into a mirror (or picture) in a dark room inside of a mansion, and I saw what looked like a distorted, inverted reflection of me. It had dark skin and red eyes, and it's movements were choppy as if it were being run through a webcam.

Weird, weird, weird...

Interpretation/Comment by Lisa Gines on July 8, 2009, 2:56 AM


That is an incredibly terrifying image. It reminds me of a friend who has a strange fascination with the supernatural. He got me to read a few scary stories online at one point. *shudder*

What did you eat/What were you thinking about before bed?

Granted, I don't know you that well or what your typical thought patterns are, but I'd make a generic interpretation that this dream represents some sort of inner struggle, either over identity or morals or something of the like.

Either that or you watched a terrifying movie recently.

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