Jaron's Dreams

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July 4, 2009, 11:11 AM

Round in circles, the gophers, and the car within a car
Alright, as with every dream, I KNOW there was more to it, and I lost it with SECONDS of waking up...but here is what I remember...

I had this dream where I was driving to some destination, and the road went straight into a church/warehouse building. I had to slow down and it curved around booths and people and what-not. The road curved to the left, and went through another building. It kept curving again, and I saw yet another building. I went through it, and thought about how much it looked like the first building. To make sure, I looked for the second building, and sure enough I went through it again. I realized I was going in circles, and that I needed to find some offshoot to get out of this loop.

Later in this dream, I was trying to get back at somebody (an unnamed someone), so I kept swapping their clothes with wet clothes and throwing away their nice clothes.

In reality I woke up for a quick restroom break, went back to sleep, and had this dream...

I was at an airport, and all kinds of friends, family, and college students, some of whom I knew, were arriving. I distinctly remember Rachel, Holly, and Jendy being there. Then I dreamed that...

My friend Brad Bafford dared me to explore this dangerous hole on my parent's land that it seems not many people come back from. I didn't quite believe him, so I took a team to explore it. I did, however, believe him enough to know that, perhaps, something bad was going to happen. Our team tied ropes around ourselves and were gently lowered into what must half been a 30 foot hole, about 20 feet in diameter. We stopped halfway down standing side-by-side on this ledge we found. Down in the hole there was a bunch of junk, and there seemed to be some sign of life/movement. One of our team was lowered down to explore. They found something they didn't like, and they were slowly, and with some difficulty, lifted back up. Then a red-head next to me said, "Well, I'm going to see what this is all about," and jumped right into the hole. She stirred up some gophers which she immediately found out were rabid and dangerous (clost to as dangerous as the bunny in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail") She began running, along with the rest of the team (somehow managing to run out of the hole), and the gophers began chasing us. They took out one of us, and they started after me. I made a beeline for Phyllis's house, and one caught up to me. I think I woke up just after this...

And for my last dream, I had another recommendation from Brad Bafford to explore this car of his that was sitting in the Overstreet's ( a family we know) lawn. I had the feeling that I would find something funny in there. Sure enough I found a notebook that was full of inside jokes, that were about me (I think). I explored the car further and noticed that there was another car inside of this car. I crawled up into it through the trunk (it's headlights were angled upwards) and found a booklet on the floor in the backseat. I rifled through it, and noticed that it was an Entity Relationship Diagram. I quickly noted that it was no database I had ever worked on. But I began wondering what it was that Brad was working on...

And that is the end of my odd set of dreams. Any thoughts?

Interpretation/Comment by Jake Russell on July 4, 2009, 5:05 PM

My interpretation?


Not really knowing the people in the dream, I'm not sure if I can do this justice. But...

First, the circles seem to represent some aspect of yourself or situation in life that you feel you are going in circles and you are trying to find an offshoot for it. Buildings typically represent personality so if it was somebody's else's building (which I think may be the case due to the second part of the dream) then you are going in circles around this person's personality. Why I suggest this is when you change the dry clothes out for wet clothes, it may represent that you are trying to change an aspect of this person in response to going around in circles.

The hole could be anything ranging from a hole you've dug yourself into, an aspect of your unconscious (presumably inherited from your parents since you're at their house) or a...well, kinda the same thing as the mudpit in my dream but probably not as hopeless...I guess like a pitfall or a stumbling block. The gophers seem to be the reason for the hole, suggesting that the cause of the hole can potentially be a dangerous facet in your life if you explore it frivolously.

The car is the most intimate, personal facet in your life affected by this dream. Cars generally make me think of one's journey in life, though it's Brad's journey and not yours. You find humor in it; I'm not sure if you feel manipulated since the inside jokes seem to be about you (were you offended by them or not?). It seems like that might be the case since when you go into the other car (which would imply Brad's motives...the first car being Brad's journey on the surface and the second Brad's journey unconsciously...eh?) you find an Entity Relationship Diagram and question what he's working on.

Hmmm, those are a few thoughts for now. Let me know what you think.


Interpretation/Comment by The Cripsy Kreme aka Christy the little big sister on July 5, 2009, 4:33 AM


I would say...no more eating what ever it was before you went to bed O.O XD hehe *hugs*

Interpretation/Comment by The Crispy Kreme aka Christy the little big sister on July 5, 2009, 4:34 AM

RE: Hmmmmm

Crispy Kreme NOT cripsy >.<

Interpretation/Comment by Jaron Davis on July 5, 2009, 5:13 PM

To Jake

I'd say that that's rather insightful. Looking at it as you've looked at it, and knowing what I know, I believe you're right about the "car going in circles" and the "wet clothes" thing being connected. They both represent my frustration with a certain unnamed, and the circles I run around in in my head when I think about them. It's probably about them, because I was thinking about them before I went to sleep...

Wow, that hole could mean alot of things, I'll have to think about it. It must represent something I'm worried about delving into; in which case I may know...

And Brad is a good ol' friend who tends to make good recommendations to me throughout life, and cars do usually represent some kind of a journey through life to me. The jokes were somewhat offensive, but then again I found them funny as well. So Brad's car parked in the Overstreet's lawn...I'll have to think about that one. Both of those things tend to make me think of old times, so maybe I'm looking back into the past? And in it I find Jaron-deprecating jokes with a more underlying serious discovery. Maybe these are just some loose thoughts on my friendship with Brad, as this is how I viewed/view our relationship. And the ERD is something I connect with sense I work with databases all the time. Maybe this is me thinking that underneath it all, Brad and I are very similar, indeed.

What do you think, Brad?

Interpretation/Comment by Jaron Davis on July 5, 2009, 5:14 PM

To Christy

I'm tellin' I have crazy, crazy dreams. You should read some of the one's before this! (other than the one's you've already read).

Oh, and post some of yours as well!

Interpretation/Comment by Lisa Gines on July 8, 2009, 2:52 AM

In Sights

After reading this, the first thing that came to mind was, 'maybe he shouldn't take Brad's advice so much.' Heh.
I've no idea who anyone in the dream is (save for Holly, Jendy, and the afore-mentioned 'red-head'), but I'd say that the people you took into your team are most likely the people you would prefer to have with you when you're facing life's adventures.

Perhaps the fact that your dream seemed to revolve around journeying and discovering things is a tribute to your curiosity and sense of adventure. If you have a lot of dreams where you're either on a quest of sorts (looking for something or solving a puzzle) or running from a villain or mal-contented creature (such as evil gophers akin to the Killer Rabbit), I'd garner it's a reflection of your sense of adventure.

I thought it interesting that your dream stopped just as you were caught by the evil gopher (?); was that the equivalent of your dying, or do you not know what likely happened after that? Have you ever died in a dream before?

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