Jake's Dreams

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July 15, 2009, 1:45 PM

What does soda symbolize?
I dreamt that few stores had soda machines and you’d be hard pressed to go somewhere and be able to get a soda. There was one place on the outskirts of town that was real cool but it took a while to get there. I believe you had to take I-60 to get there. I think I was at Wildwood Christian School (which is where I went to high school) when I got this call from this government guy who had an assignment for me to go where I could get paid. It sounded awesome so I asked him where it was because the last job I’d had through him was off I-60 near the cool soda machine place. He started to explain and I asked him if it was the I-60 location but then I lost the signal and lost the call. I called back, got a hold of him, asked him where the place was and he started to explain when I lost the call again. I tried a third time and then I just couldn’t get through. I was super-frustrated.

Interpretation/Comment by Jaron Davis on July 16, 2009, 7:34 PM

An interpretation

Hmmmm, this is interesting. Does soda, I-60, Wildwood Christian School, or the government symbolize anything for you in particular?

The soda place seems to be where you want to go in life, and the government official seems to represent an outside force who dictates where you can go. I see him as representing our culture or life in general (or God, perhaps). Your not getting really good signals from him as to where you are headed, and this is frustrating you. And you know what you want to be doing, but this is really hard to come across in our culture (the soda machine at the edge of town).

I-60 seems to be how you'll get there...let me know what you think :)

Interpretation/Comment by Jake Russell on July 17, 2009, 1:03 AM

A response to an interpretation

Hmmmm. I think you're right about the soda place being where I want to go in life. I was thinking about my internship in D.C. the night before I had this dream so I'm pretty sure the government official represents the career I've oriented myself around at the moment in life. Wildwood Christian School could represent ways that I'm coming back to old ways of thinking or prior foundations in my life. I-60 is hard to say. 6 represents the fullness of man so it could have something to do with self actualization.

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