Jaron's Dreams

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Back To July, 2009

July 30, 2009, 11:40 AM

The storm that wouldn't with the play that shouldn't be
I had a dream last night that Rachel, Holly, Mom, Dad and I were in the basement of my home in Edwardsville, IL waiting for a severe thunderstorm to hit. This storm was capable of producing tornadoes. I started to grab chairs and mattresses to get under, but Holly was telling me that she'd heard from someone that this doesn't work. The items are thrown around so hard, that they'll just rip through the mattress/chair/whatever else. I thought "What other choice do I have" and decided I was going to go through with it anyway.

Time passed and I stopped believing the storm was going to come. So I went to a hardware store to get some things. Everyone decided to stay at home. I started sneaking around the grocery store, hiding from someone...I left the store and ended up at Sharon Christian School. Holly was there, and we were in the front pew watching a video on someone's ipod. I asked about the video, and she started to explain that it was a video Eminem had made. I suddenly remembered the video and said, "Oh, you mean the one with Dr. Dre?" She began to inquire how I knew this, when suddenly, Conan O Brian ended up in the video. "What's he doing there?" we both thought.

In the next part of my dream, my family and I went to a questionable play at Sharon Christian School. It started out with Marcel Marceau performing a mime routine while he was naked. Mom complained that she could see something, and I told her that that was the nature of the show. I further explained that the last show I went to had a nude girl doing some routine with candles. During the show, Holly began smoking. The room suddenly became dark with only the two chairs we were sitting in to fill it. I told her it was a nasty habit and she should quit. She told me that she wanted to, it was her decision, and it was none of my business. I was annoyed, but there was nothing I could do about it.

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