Jaron's Dreams

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Back To August, 2009

August 5, 2009, 12:09 PM

A walk with Ryan Love, and a dorm room in the gullies
I technically had this dream on the night of July 7th, and it's taken me this long to post it:

I had a dream that started with me playing some sort of game which I didn't have control of in the end. Wow that's vague.

In the next part of the dream, I was walking along gravel road in the middle of nowhere, when suddenly, I ran into Ryan Love (a guy I know from college). He told me that he'd walked this path before (I guess this means I was knew to it), and proceeded to walk with me. The path took us through Mt. Zion Christian Camp (a camp near my home in Missouri) where we were walking beside the fence towards the woods. The path bent around, took us through double doors, and finally took us out into the gullies in Greenville.

Suddenly we came to a dorm room in the middle of the gullies. It looked like Chad Garrett's old room in Kinney, but in the dream it belonged to Matthew Good (both people I knew from college) and his roommate. They were gone for the summer, but they still had their things lying around. Ryan wrote some scribbles in one of the notebooks, and we promptly left. He told me that he wanted to show me how far this path would take me.

And that's about it. Thoughts?

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