Holly's Dreams

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Back To September, 2009

September 10, 2009, 1:53 AM

Raining Planes
So I just realized that I've never contributed here. Truth be told I'm not much of a dreamer (actual dreamer, no. Figurative dreamer, yes)

I dreamt the other night that I was walking across a desert. Except the desert was concrete. Concrete for miles and miles. I looked up and there was a huge plane. I can't remember if the plane was traveling or, oddly enough, just hovering.

Suddenly I was driving my car on the interstate. I glance up and the same plane is there. Except now its plummeting to the earth. I watched as it hits the other two lanes of traffic. Cars swerve to avoid it but it was too late.

I then woke up.

After waking up I realized that if a huge plane like that did crash - the jet fuel would've taken out a lot more then just a couple of cars. The dream was still freaky though.

Interpretation/Comment by Jaron Davis on September 10, 2009, 8:31 AM


Hey, Holly, thanks for joining! This one reminds me of the "lightning dream" I had in Oregon. Freaky stuff...

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