Holly's Dreams

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Back To September, 2009

September 10, 2009, 1:59 AM

My Famous Dream of Utter Random
So one day me and Jaron were battling it out for who had the most random dream - so I pulled out this doozy.

I dreamt I was Paul McCartney (not the first time..). I was Paul in a strange house with many rooms. I was panicky, rushing from room to room to get my brother. The house was located in a desert and all the windows and doors were open - giving the house a strange yellow/gold feel.

So I was rushing about packing things and trying to get my stupid brother to pack because something dreadful was coming. It kept coming closer and closer until finally the tornado was upon us!

Except the tornado had shrunk in its travels to cause us peril and it only came up to my knee. So, not so terrifying anymore.

I remember this dream being much more random...am I forgetting anything?

Interpretation/Comment by Jaron Davis on September 10, 2009, 8:33 AM

Great dream

This dream makes me laugh every time! It's preeeetty random. However, I think some of the one's I've posted so far can give it a run for its money. As well as this dream from Lisa.

Oh, and didn't you open the door and have the tornado come inside; like it was visiting or something?

Interpretation/Comment by Rachel Davis on September 24, 2009, 12:06 PM


No matter how many times I hear this dream it still cracks me up. Tiny tornadoes. Soooo cute. Almost as cute as BO!

I had a tornado dream last night which you featured prominently in. Check it out.

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