Jaron's Dreams

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Back To September, 2009

September 10, 2009, 8:59 AM

Cows Frying Cows
I had a dream a few nights ago that I was back in Unity Baptist Church. I went in one of the backrooms and saw a collection of actual props used in the show "Hee Haw". I thought, "Well, I suppose those had to go somewhere; the must not have been that hard to come by." I believe they were for sale...

Later in the dream I was in McDonald's. I saw that there were a bunch of cows behind the desk, except they weren't exactly cows. They were bipedal for one, and they wore clothes. However, they did have cow-like faces with that blank cow-like expression in their eyes, and they were stocky like cows. I was going to go behind the desk for some reason, and I began to have the same apprehension you get when you walk amongst cows out in the field and you're not sure if they're going to run over you or not.

Anyways, I noticed these cows were flipping burgers; and I thought, "Wow, they're making cows fry other cows."

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