Jaron's Dreams

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Back To September, 2009

September 19, 2009, 11:28 AM

The giant clock, the time travelling killers, and the quest to reach the arch
Last night, yet again, I had a set of odd dreams. This morning I remembered three of them. Now I can only remember two...wait a minute...I just remembered the third one!

In the first dream I walked into a museum of sorts with a group of people. Dominating the room, right in the middle, was a giant analog clock. It had a radius of about 8 feet, and the entire lower half of it was sticking in the ground and couldn't be seen. I was watching the second hand move upwards on the left side of the clock, and I was trying to count the time between each second. It seemed the second hand was taking a little longer than a second to tick each time (more like a second and a half).

In my second dream, I was playing a character who had stolen something trivial (like a hair pin) from somebody, but I was choosing to hide it. For some reason, me and this other character were working together to hide a truth (which was set into place by a chain of events starting with me stealing the "hair pin"), and we eventually had to travel back in time to kill someone. The scene jumped ahead to a hill covered with many dead bodies. We had to kill all of these people to cover up the first murder. I confessed that this all happened because I stole his "hairpin." He said, "You mean we killed all of these people over a hairpin?!"

In the final dream, I was in St. Louis walking out the door from where I worked. I could see the St. Louis arch in the distance. I thought "I could drive, but I'm almost certain I can walk to the arch," and I was determined and challenged to test this theory. I walked for miles and miles, but I couldn't quite make it to the arch; though it had gotten slightly bigger. I thought, "Jeez, the arch can't be that far away!" I walked down streets, swam across rivers, walked through boats, but I just couldn't reach it...

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