Rachel's Dreams

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Back To September, 2009

September 24, 2009, 12:03 PM

Worst and best tornado dream EVER (featuring Fishy and Holly)
Those of you who know me well know that what I dream about most is tornadoes. Last night, I had the most vivid/scariest/coolest tornado dream I have ever had. In. My. Life.

I have my own interpretation for this dream, but I'd like to hear you guys' interpretations first so my opinions don't color your own. HOWEVER, before you read this dream, you should know: Jaron and I decided long ago that my tornado dreams represent my anxieties. I always seem to dream tornadoes after I've been extremely worried or frustrated about my worries. It makes sense, because tornadoes are the only naturally occurring phenomenon that scares me as much as the worries inside my head scare me.

After that unduly long explanation, here's the dream. Ahem:

Jaron, Fishy and I were in an unfamiliar town because Jaron had a business meeting there and Fishy and I tagged along. While he was at his meeting, Fishy and I went on a long walk. We came to a road, and across the road was miles and miles of farm land. A storm front was coming, and a tornado dropped out of the clouds about a mile away, perhaps less.

We freaked out and turned around to run for shelter. We were right by a creek which ran through a culvert under the road, and Fishy suggested getting in the culvert. I didn't want to, because I was afraid the culvert would flood (I have a ridiculous amount of tornado safety scenarios in my head due to my excessive fear of them). I insisted that we had to go back the way we came--through the woods, which was on rolling ground and might have a safe ditch to hide in.

The only way back to the woods was across the creek, and because of the storm, the creek was about to flood. We only had a few seconds to get across safely before it would be impassable, so I leaped through the water and scrambled up the very steep bank on the other side. I screamed to Fishy that if she didn't cross NOW, it would be too late. She got across, and we both helped each other up the scary bank until we finally reached the woods.

We ran and ran through the woods, but no matter how far we went, we couldn't find a safe ditch. At last, we realized we'd have to run all the way back to the place we started the walk from; the town's high school, which was maybe a mile away.

We ran all the way to the high school and dashed inside. By this point, the storm was almost on top of us. As we were running through the halls towards the basement, I looked out a window and saw a dark, low cloud almost on top of the school. A funnel was starting to form at the top--it was twisting slowly with ragged edges.

We flew down the basement steps. At this point in the dream, Fishy turned into Holly. But, as is the way with dreams, I didn't notice anything strange about this until after I woke up. :)

I knew we needed to find a room to shut ourselves in or a sturdy piece of furniture to get under, preferably with a mattress or blankets to cover up with (again, my vast tornado safety knowledge). But this area of the basement was just one big open space with LOTS of junk that could quickly become flying debris. There were a couple of thin mattresses on old cots, and I yelled to Holly to grab one. I grabbed the other. We ran into a different section of the basement to try and find a room to hide in.

We were now running down a corridor, but it was along the outside perimeter of the basement and had lots of windows through which flying debris might come. To our right were other chambers and halls, but EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM had windows. Now here's the really scary part; no matter which window I looked out, in any direction, I saw the same shaggy-edged funnel coming, getting ready to drop a tornado on the school.

We ran until we reached the center of the basement. Then Holly found a miraculous thing; a girls' bathroom with a door! (Another piece of tornado safety: put as many closed doors between yourself and the tornado as possible). We ran inside and, to our delight, found that the bathroom was also a locker/shower room with a hall--a hall that had another closing door. We ran inside and discovered a closet within the hall within the bathroom! That made three closing doors in the center of a basement!

Relieved, we plopped the mattresses down. I knew we were safe. But then we noticed a few other people in the basement with us--some sports girls who hadn't gone home for the day, and a few teachers standing in the basement hallway. I went out to say something to the teachers and found them standing at the basement window, watching the funnel.

Now it had gotten darker outside, and the wind picked up until the trees outside were lashing around like grass. I knew that the tornado was about to drop on us, so I yelled to the teachers that they needed to follow me into the girls' bathroom where we'd be safe. I led them in, and then I woke up.

All right, folks, have at it!

Interpretation/Comment by Jaron Davis on October 11, 2009, 4:11 PM

Not too sure...

Wow, I'm not too sure on this one; but I'll give it my best shot. Awesome dream, though!

The fact that I'm off on a business trip, and you have to fend for yourself with Fishy/Holly might speak about how they tend to understand your worries more than I would. Or it might speak about how you feel lonely sometimes when I'm gone, and they're there to help.

Your worries seem to abound in this dream (they're all around you), but they seem to have one focal point (the cloud about to drop a tornado). You feel safe from them only when you have "killed a flea with a sledgehammer" (under the mattress in the hall in the closet in the bathroom in the basement).

Also, it seems like your trying to warn people who don't seem as worried (the teachers in the hallway).

That's about all I can think of; I'd be interested to hear your own thoughts!

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