Jaron's Dreams

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Back To November, 2009

November 26, 2009, 3:35 PM

The spring-loaded flyer
Here comes another dream. I had it a few days before November 11th, I think (that's what the "date modified" flag says on the infamous "dreams.txt" file.

Anyways I was at my parent's house in Missouri. Suddenly a sort of rocket ship came down and landed next to our cars while we were getting out of the car. It looked like it could carry several passengers, and this tour guide guy was driving it. I thought it would be fun to try it out.

I did, and it became a one-man, flying vehicle. To operate it you had to get inside, bend down, and spring yourself into the air. I spent all day flying over the trees near the creek with this device. I got back to the house and told everybody about my excursion.

That's all I remember.

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