Jaron's Dreams

Dreams and Nightmares Main Page
Back To November, 2009

November 26, 2009, 10:30 PM

Break on through to the other side
And now for another one! David Hechler, you'll like this one.

David Hechler and I were at my Grandma Davis's old place. We were sitting in the secondary living room with a bunch of other friends. We started singing "the boys are back in town." He'd sing the first part, and I'd sing the echo, and we were trying to pan left and right (I noticed this while listening to the song recently).

Suddenly while we were doing this I started singing the Doors "Break on Through to the Other Side," and David followed. I distinctly remember doing that awesome "Ou, Oh yeah!" part that Morrison does. I did this because it reminded me of the other song. Why? I have know idea.

Stand by this weekend while I find notes I had for an awesome dream. There at my house in Edwardsville somewhere...

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