Jaron's Dreams

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Back To November, 2009

November 27, 2009, 8:59 PM

Jaron's Olde Dreams #2: Answering the Phone
Alright ladies and gents,

It's time to post another of Jaron's olde dreams. From hence forth, I plan on posting an olde dream every Friday.

Last time I posted about Christy's giant shoe. I thought and thought about my earliest dreams, and I think I had this one back when I lived in Boonville between 1985 and 1987 (I would've been 1-3 years of age). Either that or I had this dream about Boonville (or somehow connected it to Boonville). Anyways, I remember it being in the room where my oldest memory was formed.

I dreamed that I was in my bed (or cradle). I was on the phone to somebody. I remember feeling bad about this, like something was not right. Perhaps I was talking to someone evil? Or maybe I wasn't supposed to be on the phone? Probably the latter.

That's about it. Hey what can I say? It's my oldest dream. The Christy's shoes dream, I'm pretty sure, was somewhere between 1989 and 1990.

Stay tuned next week as I talk about the evil Hamburger Helper glove.

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