Jaron's Dreams

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December 4, 2009, 9:23 AM

Jaron's Olde Dreams #3: The Evil Hamburger Helper Glove
Alright ladies and gents,

Yet again, it's time to post another of Jaron's olde dreams. I'll do this every Friday.

This dream happened while I lived in a single wide trailor. I probably had it between 1988 and 1989. This one is an interesting one as I don't remember what parts were real and what parts were a dream. When I had it, I felt it was real; which may have happened in reality, or may have been a feeling I felt in the dream (sort of like waking up in a dream, only to find you're in another dream). It's only been in my most recent rational years (6-25 years of age) that I've assumed that most of it had to be a dream. At the time I wasn't so sure (at least that's how the memory exists in my head now). So I will try my best to sort out which parts were real, and which were not.

I had a dream (I think) that I was sitting on a couch in the living room of our single wide trailor. I was alone. I kept looking back towards a the main door in the hallway behind the couch, and I saw the Hamburger Helper glove floating close to the ceiling. One time he went down the hall and disappeared. Another time he came floating at me. He really freaked me out for some reason (I had this feeling he was evil).

I got up from the couch (reality now, I think) and found that Dad was sleeping or napping in his bedroom. I went to sleep in his bed, because I was scared of the hand monster behind me.

At some point I remember looking into the living room and the kitchen beyond it (dream or imagination, I'm not sure which; in fact, I'm not sure if this part happened at all) and still seeing the Hamburger Helper glove taunting me. But I was safe, because I was with Dad; even though I still felt uncomfortable that the glove existed.

Weird, huh? Stay tuned next time, when I go over the "Dad Upside Down" dream.

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