Jaron's Dreams

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Back To December, 2009

December 12, 2009, 12:25 PM

Jaron's Olde Dreams #4: Dad Upside Down
Alright ladies and gents,

Here is the yet another dream. It still precedes the "Christy's shoes" dream (I think), and it is still quite vague. I had this dream sometime between 1989 and 1990. We were in the new double wide trailer at this point, and I believe this is one of the first dreams I had there; the first one I can remember, anyway.

I had this dream that some evil person had my Dad turned upside down in a round barred cage. It looked rather like a large bird cage. In the dream I knew that this would kill him. I was terrified, but I was unable to help. I think I was asking the person who locked him up to let him go.

That's it. Next time it will be the "Stump Man" dream, and it will be far more interesting! Thanks for reading.

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