Lisa's Dreams

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Back To December, 2009

December 15, 2009, 4:12 PM

Angry Doc and Sherlock Holmes
Ok. So.
I took a super long, super deep nap today. And this is what transpired:

We, the choir, were in a stone building, down in its coffers, milling about. I had fallen asleep in a back room (that looked curiously like the inverse of my dorm room), and woke up around 5:45. I realized our rehearsal had been at 3:30 and our concert at 5:15. Terrified, I ran upstairs only to find everyone coming down the steps already, having finished the concert. I asked a couple of them if Doc was mad, and they gave tentative affirmatives. I was so scared! I caught a glimpse of Doc coming down and pushed myself back into a side room. He was wearing a suit with a rather large collar that was light and green and sparkled with green, yellow, and gold glitter. It had sort of plastic sheen to it.
I tried avoiding him for another few seconds, telling a couple of my compatriots that I had fallen asleep and no one had woken me up.

Eventually I worked up some courage, and when most of the choir had moved to the room to the left, I waited until he came back my way and then confronted him. I didn’t need to put on my best “I’m sorry” face, because I was fairly certain the emotion I needed was naturally there. We stepped into a room to the right, which wasn’t lit save by what light came in from the open door.
“Are you angry?” I asked him.

Then, quite uncharacteristic of Doctor Wilson, he said “Yes, very angry,” and then proceeded to tell me how I had been needed, especially at the end of the program (In real life there’s a song where I have a solo); he talked about the acoustics of the place and how me not being there messed everything up, and how he had expected me at the rehearsal and concert, etc.

Unfortunately I can’t remember the transition at this point, but the next part of the dream took place in the same stone coffers. Only now they were a little more expansive and were being traversed by none other than Sherlock Holmes!!! (As Robert Downey Jr., of course.)

So now I’m in third person (I was in 3rd before, just watching myself), and I’m observing as Holmes runs through the dark stone halls. He comes to a shaft with a ladder suspended down the center, about 30 or 40 feet tall. The ladder is encased in a sort of silver metal sheeting, like a bunch of large silver bricks stacked on top of each other. They are all split right down the middle and are pulled apart at the moment so that the ladder is accessible. Holmes climbs up the ladder to get near the top. Watson is on the outside. When one reaches the top, there is a sort of netting that goes around the circumference of the tower, and a solid cap on top. It’s shaped like a hexagon, so there are six frames around Holmes, each covered with a net, and Watson is sitting outside one of them. It’s on top of a roof.

He says something to Holmes, but suddenly the ladder casing springs shut, turning the ladder into a super tall metal pillar. Unable to find purchase, Holmes slides back down to the bottom.
He spends a few minutes down there, perplexed, then realizes he can step upon the uneven “steps” along the walls of the chute, these portions of the wall that stick out a little more than others. He gets back up to the top and relays this to Watson, who looks like he’s about to try to get Holmes out, when a policeman with a flashlight comes their way, trying to ask Watson what he’s doing up there. And he’s being entirely too cheerful about it. Wary, Holmes slides back down to the bottom of the chute, but not before hearing the officer as Watson:
“I assume you heard about the jumper?”
“Yes, there was a man who jumped down this chute yesterday.”
(I think it’s implied that the man died when he jumped.)

I don’t remember Watson’s response, the but officer is coming inside, so Holmes runs to a large side room lined with couches and a few recliners, much in the way my youth room at my home church is arranged. He pulls out one of the recliners and hides behind it. I’m thinking to myself… this is a dumb idea. He’s gonna be found.
Well, actually, the police officer comes into that room, pokes around, moves the recliner around and so shifts Holmes a bit. There was a poem or something written on the recliner(?) or on a piece of paper lying on the recliner, and it talked about a gold fringe or something (which he took to be Holmes’ hair I guess, even though it’s definitely not blonde…) Anyway, it was silly, but Holmes was left alone.

The officer left the room after throwing away a plastic bag or something, and then suddenly he froze, because he heard the bag being handled after he had thrown it away. Stupid Holmes! Holmes puts the bag back down (I’m not sure why he reached for it) and then ran for the chute, past the officer, who takes a moment to realize in the dark which way he went.

Then… I think characters shifted again. Holmes was suddenly Holly with a large lead pipe, and she smashed the officer as he came around. He fell over a wooden balcony and down two flights of wooden stairs, landing with a sickeningly realistic thud that made me shiver. Then Holly and I (oh, I’m in the dream again) run down a side hall, because apparently someone else is chasing us now. Another officer, maybe? Anyway, we open a side door and enter a stone staircase that turns to the right as we go down, encased by a stone wall. We run into another woman I don’t know who is also trapped in the catacombs by the cops.

And then…. my phone woke me up. I answered it. It was Doctor Wilson in a rather chipper mood, asking for my help in making some phone calls.
SO disorienting.
But now I’m even more excited for the Sherlock Holmes movie!!!

Interpretation/Comment by Jaron Davis on December 20, 2009, 6:43 PM

Wow, that's quite detailed

Ha ha, I like this one! There's all kinds of details you remembered.

And yet another dream where Doc is mad. I wonder where that comes from? Has he ever been mad at you in real life? Probably not like in this dream.

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