Jaron's Journal

< November, 2008   January, 2009   February, 2009 >

January 21, 2009, 6:18 PM

Dark Forest
Well, it's been far to long since I've posted, so here I go...

For starters, Jesse and I got together again this November for another recording session on the "Dark Forest" album. Some really good stuff came out of it. We worked on a song tentatively called "Resting Your Head," and the idea was to improvise over four long chords throughout the song. We also worked on the "Grasshopper Song" for the next Burt McGee album, which I had a lot of great piano pieces thought up for. Finally we revisited an older song of mine called "Jump," which is essentially a song I wish to record entirely backwards (vocals and all). I have yet to mix all of this, but I feel that the results will be great at the end of the day.

Since the session I've been working on a song comprised solely of voices entitled "The End." It's a difficult one, but I think I'm finally getting somewhere with it. I should have a demo up soon...

In other news, Rachel and I have been doing some thinking on buying a house. Considering the times, this would be a really good investment; but we are trying to weigh out if we can manage it or not considering that Rachel's thinking about going to Grad school. Time will tell.

That's about all I have for now. I think Jesse and I are going to get together again this February to work on Dark Forest/Burt McGee, but I'll have to give him a call to see. I'll keep you posted...

Must I always end with trailing periods? I guess so...
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