Jaron's Journal

< March, 2009   May, 2009   June, 2009 >

May 12, 2009, 1:55 PM

I am made from the wires
Man I write in this things far too infrequently. Here is what's been happening.

Rachel and I moved into our brand new (79-year-old) house on April 27th! We had quite a few helpers (thanks to all of you!) helping us lift boxes and furniture through the rain. The most difficult part of this had to be moving our old couch/bed around a corner and up a flight of steps. This was silly hard. We had to stand it up, twist it around, hold it at the right angle, then slowly push/yank it up step by step while minding the banister.

Since the 27th we've been slowly unpacking and cleaning the house. Rachel painted her upstairs office purple (leaving a part of the wall green). I began setting up my studio downstairs, and worked on turning the other upstairs bedroom into a game room. We've also added a new couch from Ashley Furniture to our growing collection of furniture. Hopefully I can snap a few shots of the house once we get it in order, so that I can post pictures online.

As far as the Dark Forest is concerned, it's been slow going; but I'm trying to get up a demo of one of my favorite songs so far - "Plastic Sea." We'll see how that goes as well; there's still plenty left to do on the house...
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