Jaron's Journal

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August 30, 2009, 4:36 PM

Back Catalog of Dreams
Hey lot,

I'm back from Nashville, and it was a great trip! I spent a lot of the time sight-seeing, eating out, and relaxing with my wife and her family; and the rest of the time playing games with my cousin-once-removed, Peter. We, indeed, ate at the Pancake Pantry (got it right this time), saw the Parthenon, and took a trip to Belle Meade. And as for Peter; I was at times an opponent in Chess and Battleship, a vine swinger, "fast" man (vs. Iron Man), an enemy robot (after the "drum of eternity"), and a competing company (eventually marking up my sale of stuffed animals to 100 decillion google times 10 to the Google-ith power)--quite an imagination for a six year old!

And now that I'm back, I'm ready to begin posting a back catalog of my childhood dreams (all the dreams I can remember from the day I was born until now). This should take awhile. I shall try to begin with what I assume is my first dream chronologically.
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August 21, 2009, 10:50 PM

In Nashville
Hey lot,

I'm here in Nashville visiting Rachel's uncle, Eric; aunt, Sandy; cousin and her husband, Heidi and Scott; and precocious young cousin-once-removed, Peter. I'll be headed to the pancake (factory? palace? I can't quite remember...) early next morning, and I'll also be doing a bit of sight seeing around the city. Hopefully I'll have much to report on this when I get back!

In other news, I'm thinking about beginning the process of posting a back catalog of the dreams I've had throughout my life in the dreams and nightmares section of this site. This should be interesting trying to remember all of them and when I might have had them.

And believe me, there's plenty of them...
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August 14, 2009, 11:53 PM

A small tribute to Krycek

Hey all, my 2 1/2 year old friend, Krycek, died peacefully today after a long and full life. He is survived by his surrogate brother, Ziggy Stardust, and will be missed dearly. He was the best rat I've ever known (even though I've only truly known 2), and according to Rachel and I, he was "Dad's rat."

This wasn't how we originally intended it. When we went to Petco back in March of 2007, we each intended to pick a rat. Rachel wanted the most vibrant and healthy of the bunch, so she chose Krycek, the one that was running laps in the cage. He was supremely hard to catch (we almost had to choose another rat because of it), but when we finally got him, we thought he was going to be "Mom's rat."

Then I picked a more effeminate, pale rat, who I thought would fit the pre-picked name and persona of Ziggy Stardust. That's how we picked "Dad's rat." He was, after all, named after the famous alter ego of one of my favorite musicians of all time...

When we got them home together, Krycek quickly became the dominate rat, and he ran a tight cage. When we would let them out, Krycek would run wild, and Ziggy would tend to want to stay close to us where he felt safe. We naturally liked Ziggy because of this. But often when we would try to put Krycek back into his cage, he would squeak and run away from us. We called him "our feral rat" because of this.

Over time I felt compelled to train him out of this, so I singled him out, and started to discipline him when he behaved like this. At first he hated it, but then, he grew to respect and love me because of it; and he became a much more social rat.

And while I was away training Krycek, Ziggy was craving attention from the parent he chose to get along with, and their personalities seemed to mesh much better. The rest is history. We basically switched rats :)

Anyways, we eventually got these guys to beg for treats, jump a foot or more between chairs, affectionately "groom" us, recognize their names, "chicka-chicka" (the little teeth grinding noise they make when they're content) and so on and so forth. They've been great companions over the years, especially Krycek.

Anyways, I just thought I'd let everyone know how much I loved the little guy, and I recommend rats to anyone who wants an awesome pet! If you want to know more about how cool he was, don't be afraid to ask questions.
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