Jaron's Journal

Back To December, 2009

December 2, 2009, 7:55 AM

Weekly blog #1: Evince and The Sea Monster
Hey all,

Just as I've decided to post an old dream every Friday (for the next 8 months, at least), I'm going to try for a blog post every Wednesday. Let's start with how the ol' website is doing.

For those who are users, I've just added a "My" section. You're redirected here when you log in, and from here you can post dreams and edit your settings as a user. I've got plans in the works of adding a Novel/Book section for users to post stories, chapter by chapter. This brings me to my next two points:

Point 1: Thanks to Rachel Davis who encouraged and Joel Goodman who also encouraged and gave me a prompt shove through the door, I decided to write a novel during the month of November in an event called NaNoWriMo. Through this I've met lots of great people and have a 50,000 word first draft of a story that's been lurking in my head for 9 years or so, a story tentatively called "Evince." It's a horror/thriller/fantasy/weird fiction book about a guy who suddenly starts having strange dreams and hallucinations. His world gets crazier and crazier before it gets turned upside-down. And there's a mystery as to why this is all going on. The narrative incorporates alot of the strange and nightmarish dreams that my friends, family, and I have had throughout our lives; so it makes for quite a bizarre read. Using the aforementioned Novel/Book section I hope to post this for all users on my website. But be aware that it is, without question, a first draft.

Point 2: A long, long time ago, August 22-27 of 1995, I wrote a wonderful little horror of a narrative called "The Sea Monster." This has been a favorite amongst my friends because of its "so bad it somehow manages to be good" appeal. There's 12 chapters, 70 front and back wide rule pages, or (I'm guessing) about 18,000 words of this wonderful thing, and we can only manage to get through one or two chapters of it before we are completely laughed out. It's ridiculous. It could seriously rival "The Eye of Argon." There are layers of stupidity in each sentence--layers. At some points you will be like, "That sounds ridiculous, that would never happen, and the reasons why it happened do not make sense," or something similar to that. And there's the ever-wonderful unintentional innuendo. I'm typing this up, mistakes and all, and will post two versions of this on the Novel/Book section as well: the original version and a version with a thorough MTS3K-style bashing.

And that's about it for the website. In the realm of music, I've been putting it on hold for the above endeavors. There's only so much one man with a job and a wife can do in his spare time.

And as for life? Well, Thanksgiving break was excellent! I got lots of writing, reading, resting, and eating in. I only wish there were more of it. But, alas, not for another three weeks.

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