Jaron's Journal

Back To December, 2009

December 20, 2009, 7:12 PM

Weekly blog #2: New Baby Rats
Well this hasn't been so weekly, and it hasn't been so Friday-ish; but I'll try people, really I will :)

In Jaron Davis and Rachel Davis news this week, Rachel and I are getting three new baby rats! On November 20th, 2009 Love Is Blue and Allegation, two rats from WillowCreekRats.com became the proud parents of our three new boys.


The first of our little guys is named Vegeta, a nod to the ambiguous villian/hero from Dragon Ball Z. This name is also a play on the word "Vegetable." He takes after his dad in that he's a Russian blue rat, and he takes after his mom in that he's a dumbo rat. Isn't he cute?


The second little rat is named Kakarrot. This is the saiyan name of the hero of Dragon Ball Z. It is also a play on the word "Carrot." Kakarrot takes after his mom in that he is a Siamese dumbo rat. Kakarrot was a little sleepy in this picture, but there will be more pictures to come!


The last of our little guys is named Crouton. He also takes after his mum in that he's a Siamese dumbo rat. We decided to get him because he was the last of the three boys from that litter, and we didn't want him to be alone (rats tend to do better when they're with other rats), and because he's so darn cute! He was named Crouton, because of the other two rats' "salad-like" names. This was also a nod to Gillian's (a friend of ours) rat, Caesar (also Salad).

And that completes the whole salad bowl. We are going to pick these guys up at the very first of next year (January 2 or so). We can't wait!

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