Jaron's Journal

Back To July, 2012

July 18, 2012, 9:01 AM

Recording The Song "Animals"
Alright ladies and gents,

Now that we've thoroughly covered what it took to record the "Dark Forest" song from the "Dark Forest" album, I shall continue to give you way too many details about how I recorded the song "Animals."

Listen to the finished "Animals" song

Jaron Davis: Lyrics, composition, lead vocals, background vocals, organ, drums, capturing frog noises and mixing
Jake Russell: Composition (for acoustic guitar), acoustic guitar
Andrew Craft: Bass guitar
Beth Perry: Violin
Danielle Gines: Piano
David Hechler: Final mixing and mastering

This song began as a simple idea that occured to me on 12/20/2007. I wanted to build a song on a fugue. More specifically, I wanted to take three distinct melodies with exact timing and layer them a few beats apart such that they created somewhat of an incidental chord progression as they went.

This was nothing more than an idea I codenamed "Fugue" until 9/14/2010, well beyond the "Lost Year" of 2009. In a fit of inspiration, I wrote a paranoid, allegorical song about a broken relationship with a set of friends called "Animals." I went into the studio for the rest of September 2010 and tried my best to make and combine melodies that worked with the lyrics and produced this demo.

Over time, a few things clicked into place. During the aforementioned session, I made a drum piece played predominantly on the toms. In 2011 I thought of a chromatic violin piece and recorded spring peepers at a pond. The peepers were intended to be used for any one of my songs, but eventually I used them for this song. I also tweaked some of the lyrics, per advice from a friend, Jake Russell.

Finally in January 2012, recording began in earnest on the final product and wrapped up in late May, 2012. I created vocals, acoustic guitar, organ, bass, violin and piano pieces and layed them down with a little help from my friends. I added a second pounding drum track at the advice of Jake. It didn't sound as jungle-ish as I'd initially anticipated, but it worked beautifully nonetheless and got the paranoia across effectively.

So all in all, this was a pretty straightforward track to create, but it is one of my favorites because it really sets a mood and hits me close to home lyrically.

The full recording schedule of this song is found below. The next post (hopefully next week) will be about "Dreaming Of Her," so stay tuned Russ and Chad (and anyone else interested)! Once again I'll end with a "missing link" demo, cut in April, 2012.

Date Artist Description
9/16/2010 Jaron Davis Vocals for verse 1. Quick drum idea.
9/21/2010 Jaron Davis Vocals for verse 1.
9/23/2010 Jaron Davis Vocals for verse 1.
2/25/2011 Jaron Davis Vocals for the chorus. A vocalization that later became the violin piece.
6/25/2011 Jaron Davis Recorded spring peepers at a pond at my parent's house.
1/2/2012 Jaron Davis Vocals for verse 1.
1/8/2012 Jaron Davis Vocals for verse 2 and 3. Vocals for the chorus.
1/10/2012 Jaron Davis Vocals for the chorus.
1/14/2012 Jake Russell Acoustic guitar for the chorus.
1/29/2012 Jaron Davis Recorded keyboard violin, keyboard drums and keyboard piano to fill out and test the sound.
2/2/2012 Jaron Davis Organ.
2/28/2012 Jaron Davis Bridge vocals.
3/5/2012 Jake Russell Acoustic guitar for the chorus.
3/25/2012 Jaron Davis Drums (the driving beat).
3/27/2012 Jaron Davis Drums (the jungle beat).
4/6/2012 Jaron Davis Background vocals for the verses.
4/20/2012 Andrew Craft Bass.
4/26/2012 Jaron Davis Background vocals for the verses.
4/30/2012 Beth Perry Violin.
5/24/2012 Danielle Gines Piano.

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