Jaron's Journal

Back To July, 2008

July 8, 2008, 8:27 AM

Oldies but Goodies
Just a few days back, I uploaded some of my more passable tunes from the old days of recording (the old days being anywhere from 2002 to 2005). These include "For You," "Cheese Song," "Blackbird," and "Paper Song;" along with all of their recording details (for those interested in that sort of thing).

I'm now thinking about uploading some of my old/experimental programs, such as Checkers, a Tetris clone, the "Budget" program, the "Game Maker" program, etc,; but I'll probably have to clean them up/transfer them to .NET/finish them before I can do so. Hopefully I'll have something up soon (other than that silly picture of me holding a light saber).

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