Jaron's Journal

Back To May, 2008

May 1, 2008, 7:51 PM

Meet me in St. Louis, I'll be waiting there
Well, I guess it's only news to some at this point, but Rachel and I are officially moving to the St. Louis area!

After three weeks of interviews (taking off a day of vacation for each interview session, which occured once a week) and over a month of looking, I finally landed a job as a .NET developer at HDA (Home Design Alternatives) in St. Louis! I heard the news last Friday (April 25th...crazy day) and Rachel and I immediately went to Greenville to begin searching for apartments. We've seen some decent ones, but I think there's still an apartment out there for us that we haven't quite met yet. Hopefully we can meet it this weekend (as we are, yet again, going to be in Greenville). So it's quite a change, but Rachel and I are both excited about it.

Also Jesse D and I are beginning to collaborate on the new Burt McGee and Dark Forest projects, both of which I'm excited about. Jesse has sent a few Burt songs my way to add pieces to, and just last night, I recorded a demo of "Terrible Light" and sent it his direction to see if he could add anything to it. I'm interested in seeing what the outcome of that will be.

Anywayz, St. Louis here we come!!

Comment by Rachel on May 24, 2008, 11:48 AM


And here we are in a much larger apartment happy as two clams in sauce.

Comment by The Pants-Police on May 27, 2008, 10:29 AM

You haven't updated in a while. Have you heard anything back from Jesse about the whole music deal?

Comment by Jaron Davis on May 27, 2008, 8:27 PM

Pants Police?

Lol, who are the pants police? Anywayz, I haven't heard back yet; he's had to work Memorial Day, and our schedules during the week run quite opposite of each other--but I'm hoping to hear something soon.

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