Jaron's Journal

Back To May, 2008

May 27, 2008, 8:23 PM

Red sails! And a mast so tall!
Well we've made it! My last day of work was on Wed. May 14, and we packed up when I got home (John, Sue, Jason, Amber, Chad, Fishy, Rachel and I), and promptly left Oregon for our new apartment in Glen Carbon, IL. We've been unpacking ever since! It's a pretty awesome place. We've got a gigantic living room and kitchen (gigantic compared to our old apartment anyways), a garage, two bedrooms, and one and a half bathrooms. We've also got a Wal-mart, a Slackers, and a Starbucks just a stone's throw a way; so we're both pretty happy.

I'm really liking my new job! I started working on Mon. May 19, and so now I've been working for about a week and a half. The commute isn't too bad either; it takes me 30 minutes to get there and roughly 40 minutes to get back (traffic on 270 gets a bit hectic). And after my first week of work I enjoyed the Memorial Day weekend! Rachel and I basically stayed the whole weekend in Greenville hanging out with my parents (who came down to see the apartment and us), Rachel's parents, and friends! I also managed to get some work done on the website. I added a file sharing piece for Jesse and I (so we could send music pieces back and forth for recording purposes), and I also safeguarded a certain section against SQL injection (it was starting to bother me). I also have other "random" ideas I'd like to spring on the unsuspecting public via my website. I'll let you know as soon as any of these are implemented.

Comment by dhechler on May 31, 2008, 3:01 PM

hey its me

hey, you're sitting right here. woot

Comment by Rachel on June 5, 2008, 4:39 PM


Well I do. :)

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