Jaron's Journal

Back To March, 2009

March 31, 2009, 1:00 PM

There are you; drive like a demon from Station to Station
Alright, alright, so I haven't written in a long time. I'm getting lazy. Here goes...

The biggest piece of news is...Rachel and I have bought a house! It's in Edwardsville. It's one-and-a-half stories with 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and a full basement. It's awesome! Rachel plans to set up her writing office upstairs, and I plan to set up my small studio downstairs. And I have a new instrument coming from my parents: mom's old organ! The house closes on April 27th, and anyone interested in helping us move in should speak now (or then) or forever hold their peace. I'm quite excited!

Other reasons to be excited about this next month? Well, it's Spring, my favorite season. My birthday is on the 5th, and I'll be turning 25 (which is still quite young). And Jesse and I are (hopefully) going to get together on the 17-19 and work on more of the "Dark Forest" tunes, as well as some Burt McGee tunes. There will be more news on this in the days to come.

Reason(s) for not being quite excited? Well, I still have to do state taxes, and I've (technically) had 3 different jobs, one of which is out of the state I live in. This. Has. Been. Fun.

And to end this post on a good note? Um....I'll try a Picardy third.

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