Jaron's Dreams

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March 26, 2010, 10:38 PM

Jaron's Olde Dreams #8: Hell
Alright ladies and gents,

In olde dream #8, I pay a visit to one of my favorite places...hell! No, I think it goes without saying, that this was quite scary to me as a kid. (Then why did you say it? Well...for those who couldn't catch the sarcasm in the first sentence. But wouldn't...oh nevermind...)

I believe this one took place around the same time as the "Christy's Giant Shoe" dream; perhaps just after it. I had it between 1989 and 1990 when we first moved into a double-wide trailer.

I dreamed my family in I were in hell. Now hell was a huge, dungeon-like room with a reddish hue and a stone floor. And there were rows and rows of wall to wall shelves that contained all kinds of stuff.

I felt very trapped, and my family and I had to keep on our toes. We ran from one danger to another. I don't remember what all these were, but I think we were chased by bees at one point. I remember the finality of thinking, "Oh, no, I'm trapped in hell. I'm going to have to do this forever."

Before long we found the front of the room, where the devil staring at us from within the wall (as if the wall were a giant TV, even though it was actually open to us). I felt like he was the one who was sending all of this dangerous stuff at is, and I feel as if he said something to us at this point, but I don't remember it either.

I'm almost certain that this dream was inspired by the Gnome King in the Return to Oz movie, especially the scene at the end where he becomes a scary creature in the wall who tries to eat them one by one.

That's all! Tune in next time to hear the "cliffs" dream.
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March 19, 2010, 11:04 PM

Jaron's Olde Dreams #7: The Dead Swingers
Alright ladies and gents,

This is yet another dream at Grandma's old house. It most likely happened between 1988 and 1991, just like the "Fish Down The Stairs" dream or the "Stump Man" dream. And this is dream that I believe happened just before the "Christy's Giant Shoe" dream (which I labeled as the 1st dream--much to everyone's potential confusion).

In this dream I was in Grandma's house in the living room--turned play room (where I spent most of my time as a kid while I visited; do you notice a pattern here in my dreams?). I was rushing around with my family, because I was getting ready for school. I looked out window of the house and noticed something odd in Grandma's lawn.

There were four strange people swinging on the swingset; they were all dead.

At least that's what I assumed about them in my dream--dead in that they were ghosts or something. They wore tattered clothes, and they were swinging back and forth very slowly and lackadaisically with no particular rhyme or reason. They were staring towards the house, and I felt very odd about them. I was sure they were harboring some sort of evil intention towards us. I did my best to ignore them.

When I went outside, I was suddenly going out the back door of my parent's house. They were swinging in the yard to my immediate left. It was still dark, as the day had not fully dawned. My family was with me, and my parent's told me not to look at them or pay any attention to them. I felt very uncomfortable that they were still over there. In my mind's eye, I could just see them over there swinging their arrhythmic swing, their mind's intentioned to hurt us in some way.

Creepy, huh? This is probably one of my first genuinely creepy dreams. As such, I've weaved it into the novel I'm writing :) Let me know what you think. And tune in next week (yes, next week!) when I skip over the "Giant Shoe" dream, and go straight into the "hell" dream.
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