Jaron's Dreams

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February 13, 2010, 12:10 PM

An old murder in our new house
Warning, some rather horrific material below...

Last night I dreamed that I was in the basement looking through piles of old junk left in hard-to-find compartments by one of the previous owners of our new house. I found an photo album with pictures of a teenage girl, presumably one of the daughters of the previous owners. The pictures were of her and her boyfriend. Towards the end of the album I found a series of pictures of her in a room that should be our weight room in real life, but was a room that served as a connector to our next door neighbor's house. She was being tortured/murdered in the series (by her boyfriend, I assume), and towards the end she was riddled from head to toe in knife/puncture wounds. There was then a picture of the outside of our house with some story or explanation written on it in blood.

I began to feel really weird about the basement, and I wondered why the previous owners hadn't told me that this had happened. I had been looking through pictures and files to solve the mystery, but now I realized that I didn't want to look any further. I was too afraid to. I mean what if her spirit was still haunting the basement?

The next part I remember is that a group of us were in one of the rooms on the second floor. Some evil creatures were on the outside attacking us. Suddenly an arrow came whistling out of nowhere and hit my sister, Christy, near the heart. I was immediately filled with sadness and remorse. I felt as if I could have told her that she should have been more alert and dodged the arrow. The rest of eyes dropped to the floor the next time we heard a whistling noise.

I ran down the stairs to the basement to see if I could find more information on the death of the girl who lived here. In reading through some of the documents stashed in secret places I had heretofore never found to have existed, I discovered there was some safe hidden in the basement. The password to get into this safe was "getroundkDSs," but was pronounced "get round kiss."

That's it. Man that's a weird one.
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February 12, 2010, 7:26 PM

Jaron's Olde Dreams #6: Fish Down The Stairs
Alright ladies and gents,

This was another dream at Grandma's old house that probably happened around the same time as the "Stump Man" dream, between 1988 and 1991.

Now the setting for this dream was on the staircase in the living room-ish "game room," but I'm not sure if I fell asleep there, or if I fell asleep on the couch and dreamed I was sleeping there. The latter is more plausible.

In any case, I dreamed that I was on the 4th or 5th step, when all of a sudden there was a torrent of water that rushed over me. There were all kinds of living creatures and other paraphernalia in the wave, but all I can remember at this point was that there were lots of fish.

And that's the dream. Pretty simple, eh? Tune in next time for the "Dead Swingers" dream, the first dream that I included in my as yet unfinished novel "Evince."
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February 8, 2010, 11:47 PM

Old Church, New Church, Heroes and Villains
Alright, awesome dream! There's a lot of symbolism in this one that means a lot to me in particular. I'll try to explain these as best I can after the dream; then you can try to figure it out. I'll give it my best shot as well...

In the first part of my dream, John Heston (my Dad-in-law) was going to read an on-line journal or story of mine within a certain period of time. I realized that there was bad language in it, so I attempted to edit it in the fastest way I could (using search and replace, etc.). My multiple attempts failed to alleviate the story of said bad language. This frustrated me.

In the next part, I was at Copper Creek Christian Church playing checkers or something. A lady was up on stage bashing Keith (the former pastor of CCCC). I got fed up with this, so I visibly left the church in front of everybody. Later I had to sneak back into the church to get my coat, and I ran into Dave Thompson (one of the elders). He was wondering why I was leaving. I told him it was because of all of the Keith bashing/nonsense that had happened at CCCC.

Act III: I went to a new church started by Keith. As I was entering the enormous sanctuary, I heard the last of a controversial message about how Wiccans weren't as bad of people as they were made out to be. I thought, "Alright, a message right up my alley; one that I'll have to think about that would be hard to hear for most people who don't think deeply about this sort of thing."

The sanctuary was as big as the sanctuary at the Metro Community Church in Edwardsville. There were rows and rows of folding chairs, a stage, and a gigantic pool-like baptistery in front of the stage. Paul Westbrook (the leader of MCC who is supposed to represent Keith in some way, I think) called us all to join him in the baptistery. This was uncomfortable for many, but I was one of the few who jumped in first. Everyone joined.

A fellow quite close to me began singing the Brian Wilson/Beach Boys tune "Heroes and Villians". I thought, "This guy's awesome." I joined in and made it a point to harmonize by singing some of the backup doo-doo-doo-doo's, dooby-doo-wah's or Ahhh's. I thought we had a pretty good harmony going. Someone handed me a card (which was also being handed to everyone else) that said that they wanted me to sing a Nirvana tune called "The End." (No such song exists in real life).

I asked Rachel how the harmony sounded, and she turned into Eric Folsom and said that it honestly sounded awful. "But I thought it sounded great," I replied back indignantly.

At the end of the dream, I ended up in a gigantic white room with no one in it, but a lot of people staring in at me. I was supposed to sing the Nirvana song. When I realized that I didn't know any Nirvana song called "The End," someone told me that the actually meant the Foo Fighters song at the end of the album "The Colour and the Shape" (New Way Home). I began singing this to a background tracking, and really chewing up the scenery, uncaring of what other people thought. I assumed that they were liking it. I gave it the best I could.

And that's the dream! I'll be back in the comments for imagery explanation shortly. What do you think?
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